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Shiv Sena forces RPI to remove anti-Hindu flex !

Chaitra Shuddha Dwadashi

Kopargaon (Maharashtra): The Republican Party’s leaders were forced to remove the objectionable flex boards denigrating Hindu temples, which they had put up at several places in town on the occasion of Jayanti of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as the alert Shiv Sena leaders and other ardent Hindus took a strong stand on the issue. The RPI leaders tendered unconditional apology. (Congratulations to Shri Bharat More, suburban-chief Shiv Sena, other Shiv Sena leaders and ardent Hindus for taking a tough stand for the sake of Dharma! Such Hindus are the true strength of the Dharma! – Editor)

The flex boards had shown that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was writing something and his foot was on a temple. An alert citizen had brought this matter to the notice of the suburban-chief of Shiv Sena Shri Bharat More who immediately swung into action, went to Kopargaon police station and informed the police the flex boards had hurt the feelings of the Hindus. He warned if the police showed helplessness in removing the flex boards, the police would be fully responsible if the atmosphere in the town turned tense.” The police asked Shri More to give everything in writing. 

Shri More thereafter informed the matter to Shri Rajendra Zavare, ex-mayor, Shri Kaka Bokho, town-chief, Shri Kailash Jadhav of rickshaw-taxi association and others. All the Shiv Sena leaders came together and took a stand that they would remove the objectionable flex board if the police failed to remove them. The president of RPI then remove the flex board on their own and also tendered apology.

Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’

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