Chaitra Paurnima
Panvel (Maharashtra): Today price-index is shooting up so also there is increase in the growth rate; but development is mostly concentrated in urban areas, in cities rather than rural areas in the country. After 60 years of independence, one can see the ill effects of path of development adopted by Nehru based on policies implemented by western countries such as centralization, urbanization, capitalism, anti-labour and against ecology of the country. In fact, Nehru should have adopted policies that involved de-centralization, based on development of rural areas requiring less capital, beneficial to labour and complementary to ecology of this country. The above views were expressed by Shri. K. Sudarshan, the Sarsanghachalak of RSS in a function held to commence construction of ‘Late Dr. Prabhakar Patwardhan Memorial Hospital’.
Shri. Sudarshan said, "A humanbeing is generally very selfish; but few do try to go beyond the limits of their families and strive for welfare, firstly of their villages, later their districts and then for their country. Efforts taken by these persons for the betterment of the society are really commendable.
Regarding Swami Ramteertha, he said, "Once when Swamiji was in England, the locals requested him to allow them to take his photograph. That time Swamiji changed into attire worn generally by the locals. He was later requested to wear a hat but Swamiji refused. Swamiji told them, "I may allow the British to reach upto my feet or till my neck but never on my head; there, I shall always hold only India." The program was also attended by Shri. Bapat, Zonal Director of Janakalyan Samiti and Shri. Mokashi, its director for Konkan Zone. Shri. Sudarshan was felicitated on behalf of Sanatan Sanstha by Shri. Shriram Kane with garland, holy sacrament and Sanatan notebooks.
Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’