Daily demographic invasion of India!

Chaitra Krushna Saptami

By J.G. Arora

Bharat before Muslim Invasion

Bharat before Muslim Invasion

According to Barbara W. Tuchman, American historian and author of ‘The March of Folly’, "Disasters of history are the result of government’s folly and perverse persistence in pursuing the policies contrary to national interests."

Indian government’s persistent inaction against demographic invasion by crores of Pak-Bangla infiltrators is generating a historical disaster since the said invasion aims to dismember India and plant more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil.

Let us shuffle a few pages of history

Bharat Varsha comprising the present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Afghanistan etc. used to be Hindu land with zero Muslim population till Muhammad bin Qasim’s Arab army attacked Sindh in 711. Despite fighting valiantly to defend their Dharma and motherland during repeated Muslim attacks for over a thousand years, Hindus lost Afghanistan in 987, and present day Pakistan and Bangladesh to Muslims in 1947.

After 1947, truncated India i.e. Bharat has seen genocide and eviction of Hindus from Muslim majority Kashmir.

Many Hindus apprehend that because of higher Muslim growth rate and infiltration from Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hindus in India too will be outnumbered by Muslims in a few decades, and face the misery undergone by Hindus in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh which also used to be Hindu lands.

Pak-Bangla axis

To prevent plantation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil, one must know how Pakistan and Bangladesh were created.

After overthrow of Muslim rule, India was under the British from 1857 to 1947. Formed in 1906, Muslim League demanded Pakistan in 1940 with Muhammad Ali Jinnah proclaiming that Hindus and Muslims belonged to two different religions, civilizations and nations which could never live together in one country; and demanding Pakistan, a separate country for Muslims, comprising Muslim majority areas in India.

In 1945-46 elections, Muslims voted for creation of Pakistan. In 1947, the Muslims got a third of Bharat’s land as Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan became Bangladesh while West Pakistan was renamed as Pakistan.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are Islamic Republics and have driven out most of Hindus and Sikhs from their land. However, most of Indian Muslims who had demanded Pakistan and exchange of population did not go to Pakistan. Rather, the present percentage of Muslim population in India is much higher than that in 1947.

Pakistani army which is ideologically anti-Hindu and anti-Bharat actually rules Pakistan; and nurtures terrorism. In their bid to dismember and bleed India through "a thousand cuts", Pakistan and Bangladesh have sent countless terrorists and crores of their nationals into India.

At present, Hindu civilization is a demographically challenged civilization. Because of infiltration, many districts in India bordering Bangladesh have seen abnormal increase in Muslim population. In 1996 itself, T.V. Rajeshwar, former Intelligence Bureau chief (and the present U.P. Governor) had warned about emergence of one more Islamic country because of Bangladeshi infiltration. In 1998, S.K. Sinha, the then Governor of Assam, also sounded similar caution. Warnings of T.V. Rajeshwar and S. K. Sinha have been fortified by census of 2001.

Pak-Bangla infiltrators are entering India through many points on India’s soft borders every day. With each passing day, India is being made more Islamic and less Hindu.

No action on Supreme Court’s judgements

AASU leader Sarbanand Sonowal took the issue of Bangladeshi infiltration to the Supreme Court. By its judgement dated July 12, 2005, Supreme Court struck down the Illegal Migrants (D.T.) Act, 1983 as unconstitutional; and termed Bangladeshi infiltration as "external aggression" and directed that "Bangladeshi nationals who have trespassed into Assam or are living in other parts of the country have no legal right of any kind to remain in India and they are liable to be deported."

Shockingly, instead of deporting the infiltrators, on Feb. 10, 2006, UPA government brought in the Foreigners (Tribunals for Assam) Order to nullify the apex Court’s judgement. But on December 5, 2006, Supreme Court quashed this Order also as unconstitutional, and called for implementation of its earlier judgement dated July 12, 2005 for deporting illegal immigrants.

Despite the Supreme Court’s above-mentioned judgements, no infiltrators have been deported by the government. Rather, the government is busy with terrorist and infiltrator friendly ‘confidence building measures’ like soft borders, peace talks, and Indo-Pak and Indo-Bangladesh bus and rail links which are bringing more Pak-Bangla nationals into India every day. And instead of being deported, infiltrators are being given voting rights.

Tragically, the Indian government, mainstream media and all major political parties are silent spectators when Bharat is being grabbed bit by bit by Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators every day.

Way out

After bravely fighting foreign invaders for over 1,200 years, Bharat has meekly surrendered before Pak-Bangla demographic invasion. We must do everything to save Bharat and its heritage for the coming generations the way our ancestors saved the same for us.

Since we cannot expect others to fight our battles, all nationalist organisations and individuals must assert themselves to force the government to act as follows to prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat’s land:

  1. The Supreme Court’s judgements dated July 12, 2005 and December 5, 2006 must be implemented to deport the infiltrators and curb their daily influx. Infiltrators must be treated as invaders. And not as vote banks.
  2. Since ‘confidence building measures’ with Pakistan and Bangladesh are suicidal for Bharat, all Indo-Pak and Indo-Bangla road and rail journeys, cultural and sports relations, and peace talks must be discontinued.
  3. India must protect its borders to prevent aggressors from entering India.
  4. Enemies must be crushed; not embraced. History teaches the crushing of enemies before the enemies crush us.
  5. Terrorist net-work in Pakistan and Bangladesh must be smashed to take the war into enemy territory.
  6. Any move to form a confederation of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh must be rejected since such a step would help Islamisation of India.

I had started this write-up with Barbara W. Tuchman’s observation, "Disasters of history are the result of government’s folly and perverse persistence in pursuing the policies contrary to national interests." How I wish Indian government safeguards India’s national interests and takes the above-mentioned steps with alacrity to prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil!

Source: www.organiser.org

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