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Situation after Nepal earthquake is sign of beginning of period of crisis : Pujya (Dr.) Pingale, HJS

Vaishaka Shukla Paksha Trayodashi, Kaliyug Varsh 5117

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‘धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः।’

Nepal was hit with earthquake of the magnitude of 7.9 R-scale on 25th April 2015. On observing the scary condition prevailing in Nepal, it was felt that ‘This natural calamity is a sign of forthcoming period of crisis’. We experienced how God was saving people working for protection of Dharma even in this grave period of crisis.

Pujya (His Holiness) Dr. Charudatta Pingale

On realizing that the local telephone and electricity supply were disrupted, I contacted Kum. Sonu Thapa, a representative of ‘Forum for Hindu Awakening’, Nepal. I was informed about disruption of electricity supply and local telephone system; I was also told that within few hours, it would be difficult to contact even through e-mail or phone. There is load-shedding of 8-10 hours even otherwise in Nepal. It was obvious that there would be no electricity for next few days in most parts; as a result, all systems operated on electricity would also stop working.

Communication in disorder

The highway between India and Nepal has been destroyed due to the earthquake and by-roads joining highway have also caved in. Many people have therefore, taken shelter in tents erected for Baba Ramdev’s Yoga camp. The gravity of the situation was realized after talking to Dr. Madhav Bhattarai Guruji of ‘Rashtriya Dharmasabha Nepal’ and Prof. Dr. Govind Sharan Upadhyay of ‘Hindu Jagruti Nepal’. Work was started to remove dead bodies from heaps of soil after earthquake which will go on for a month; considering the enormous damage caused to buildings. One can see only heaps of bricks, soil, mud, wood, broken window glasses, half collapsed buildings and injured people smeared with soil from head to toe. I asked Dr. Upadhyay whether members of voluntary organizations could join in disaster management work. He said, “Presently, there are only two types of jobs; one is extracting dead bodies from heaps and the other is giving medical help to earthquake-victims.”

Possibility of epidemic diseases !

It became clear while talking to Kum. Thapa as to why medical aid was necessary for people struck in this calamity. Everywhere there are heaps of rubble and after earthquake, it started to rain leading to formation of mud. As a result, dead bodies entangled under such heaps or strewn all around; besides impure water can cause epidemic diseases and in that case, the situation will worsen, increasing the toll of dead. It will then become more difficult to provide medical help to quake-ravaged citizens.

Scarcity of water !

Presently, there is scarcity of water in Nepal. The available water is so impure that people have to consume bottled water. In fact, now, it is advised to drink only bottled water considering the likelihood of spread of epidemics. It can lead to shortage of potable water on large scale. Due to shortage, if cost of bottled water is also increased, it will become difficult for people to survive !

Shortage of fuel !

Petroleum companies have substantially increased cost of fuel as there is shortage of fuel supply in and around Kathmandu. Expensive fuel and taking advantage of such crisis has led to steep increase in taxi and other fares creating severe problem for tourists stuck in this grave calamity, citizens and foreign nationals.

Possibility of increase in thefts !

During the period when deluge struck Uttarakhand in India, many thieves had come to Uttarakhand from Nepal; similar thing can now happen in Nepal, thieves taking disadvantage of the situation.

Experience of ‘Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita’:

As per our earlier plan, we were to be in Nepal on 25th April; but it was decided to attend a program in Haridwar and we had to leave Nepal on 21st April. ‘Yoga-expert’ Baba Ramdev was also in Nepal at that time. He left the ‘Yoga’ camp and earthquake occurred. He was saved by a few minutes. We experienced the saying – ‘Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita’; i.e. God protects people who work for protection of Dharma.

Devout Hindus faith in HJS !

Members of many pro-Hindu organizations, devout Hindus and readers of website of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) viz. called up coordinators, office bearers of HJS from different places and asked with concern about activity if any, being undertaken by HJS for earthquake-stricken people. They expressed their wish to join rehabilitation work as also offered financial aid. Shri. Sagar Mandav of ‘Hindu Yuva Sanyojan’ expressed his desire to take care of lodging of 6-7 members of HJS coming from India, for taking part in rescue operations. It is the outcome of selfless activities undertaken by HJS for protection of Hindutva. Due to such response, we are making an appeal to all Hindutva-vadis to go and help their brethren in our only friendly nation where Hindus are in majority.

Learn about how to help in managing disaster !

Soon Hindutva-vadis will reach Nepal from India. They will be able to learn how disaster stricken people are to be helped in such period of crisis prevailing in Nepal. By learning about problems faced, obstacles in extending help, planning, obtaining essential material for helping etc. they can use this knowledge during the forthcoming period of crisis which will be even worse than this.

– Pujya Dr. Charudatta Pingale, all-India Guide, HJS
HJS appeals to Devout Hindus !




Nepal earthquake relief work : HJS to help in Nepal and North India 


Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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