Hindus lost 26 lakh acres of land in Bangladesh

Vaishakh Shuddha Dwadashi

Hindus in Bangladesh have lost their lands worth Rs. 26,000 crore and more than one crore Hindus are killed in Bangladesh by Muslims. But Congress government in India is providing shelter to more than 3 crore Bangladeshi Muslims. These Muslims also get Election Card & Ration Card from Congress. Hindus, beware of Congress and join Dharmashakti Sena to protect yourselves, Nation and Dharma! – Editor

By Rabindranath Trivedi – for Asian Tribune from Dhaka

Dhaka: Members of the Hindu community have lost 26 lakh acres of land from 1965 to 2006, while an estimated one crore Hindus were forced to leave the country from 1964 to 2001 because of communal conflicts and deprivation caused by the Enemy (Vested) Property Act, according to a study reports the daily star, Dhaka.

The price of the land and other movable properties lost by 12 lakh Hindu families has been estimated at Tk 350412 crore, said the study sponsored by the Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD) and Nijera Kori. The study report was published in the form of a book titled ‘Deprivation of Hindu Minority in Bangladesh: Living with Vested Property’, which was launched at LGED auditorium in Dhaka on 14 May.

Prof Abul Barakat, lead author of the book, said the government has identified only seven lakh acres of vested land, of which two lakh acres have been leased out and five lakh acres remain under the control of the grabbers.

Terming the identification of so small amount of vested land a failure of the administration, Justice Muhammad Habibur Rahman, former chief adviser to a caretaker government, said the administration of the country is "impossibly inefficient.""There is a direct link between right to property and democracy," he said, adding that all should work to help establish the rights of those who lost their properties.

In the study, Prof Barakat said, "Only five lakh people who were in power grabbed the land. This problem needs an immediate solution." People involved with BNP politics grabbed 1749500 acres, those involved with Awami League grabbed 361400 acres, people involved with Jamaat-e-Islami grabbed 226200 acres and those engaged with Jatiya Party looted 182000 acres of vested land, said the study. Besides, 1820 acres of land was grabbed by people linked with Muslim League and 10400 acres of land by people involved with other political parties, it added.

The study recommended establishing a vested property bank to maintain all statistics of such property and handing over the land to distressed and landless Hindus living in the country. Justice Golam Rabbani blamed the administration for having strong link with influential people in grabbing the enemy properties."There will be no change without the change in attitude of the bureaucracy," he said emphasising on strong parliament and peoples’ democracy, the daily star added.

It may be mentioned that the census of 1951 reports that Muslims constituted only 19.90% in West Bengal, but now in 2001 as reported, it is 25.25%. Whereas the census of 1951 reports that Hindus constituted only 22% in East Bengal (now Bangladesh), but now in 2001 it is 9.2 %. The consequences of operation of Enemy/Vested Property Act have been, simply, gross denial of freedom and liberty, and institutionalization of systematic socio-cultural, economic and political deprivation of the Hindu minority in Bangladesh. The national disaster has been so huge that during the last four decades (1965-2006) approximately 1.2 million ( out of total 2.7 million) households or 6 million people belonging to Hindu religion are directly affected by the Enemy turned Vested Property Act and have lost , in addition to land property ,other immovable and movable property. According to the estimation of Professor Abul Barkat of Dhaka University: " The approximate money value of such loss ( US S 55 Billion) would be equivalent to 75% of GDP of Bangladesh(in 2007).(Deprivation of Hindu Minority in Bangladesh :Living With Vested Property By Abul Barkatand 5 others, (2008) Pathak Shamabesh, Dhaka)

Source: http://www.asiantribune.com

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Atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh

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