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Spontaneous response to HJS’s ‘Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’ on its website

Mumbai : Nepal was hit by a severe earthquake on 25th April causing immense damage to life and property. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has undertaken a drive ‘Devbhoomi Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’ from 7th May to assist work related to rehabilitation of quake- affected citizens, along with local voluntary organizations.

As a part of ‘Devbhoomi Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’, an on-line drive has also been undertaken by HJS on its website from 28th April; giving information about the way HJS would be extending assistance by going to Nepal and making an appeal to people to help in this drive directly or indirectly; by participating in the drive or through donations. The drive was advertised even on other social networking websites like ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’ and ‘Whats up’ etc.

More than 40 people express wish to actually join the drive

The on-line drive of HJS has received spontaneous response from devout Hindus not only from India but even from other countries and people of Indian origin. More than 40 people from India and outside have expressed their wish to participate in the drive and many have extended help through cash and kind as per their capacity.

Few incidents showing people’s faith in HJS

1. Faith shown by members of ‘Shankhnaad’ in HJS ! : A group of college students from Mumbai was to collect funds for quake-victims. This group contacted, through ‘social media group’, an organization called ‘Shankhnaad’ for handing over the amount collected. The members of ‘Shankhnaad’ told them, “We are unable to actually go to Nepal and work there but if you want to send the money for proper utilization, give it to only Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. We believe that only HJS would make proper use of the funds.”

2. Only HJS is associated with every field related to protection of nation and Dharma ! – a lady-doctor from USA

A lady-doctor from USA contacted members of HJS reading information on its website and showed interest in joining ‘Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’. She said to HJS members, “My husband and I always visit your website. The mission undertaken by you is very good and only HJS is associated with every field related to protection of nation and Dharma’.

HJS assistance in rehabilitation work begins

Kathmandu: A team of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has joined the rehabilitation operations of earthquake-affected people of Nepal. Under its ‘Devbhoomi Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’, between 7th and 10th May, the team tried to send essential material to various places so that it could be distributed amongst quake-victims. The material consists of tents, blankets, medicines, food items etc. which was handed over to organizations working for protection of nation and Dharma in Nepal viz. ‘Nepal Manav Dharma Seva Samiti’, ‘Shiv Sena’, ‘Hindu Jagaran’, ‘Rashtriya Dharma Sabha’ and ‘Vishwa Hindu Mahasangh’ etc.

Members of Hindu organizations overwhelmed after seeing the material sent by HJS

Members of these organizations expressed gratitude on seeing the material sent by HJS. They were overwhelmed to see the sticker of ‘Devbhoomi Nepal’ stuck on the material. They were happy with the very good quality of tents which will protect them from water and other essential things sent in time, very thoughtfully by HJS. They said that more than 50 countries, besides Nepal Government have sent aid but so useful tents were sent only by HJS and they thanked HJS. It also created affinity towards India.

Distribution of food to quake victims

Members of HJS helped ‘Manav Dharma Seva Samiti, Nepal’ which distributed food to quake-hit citizens from Nangalebhara in Sindhupalchok District. Doctors from ‘Arogya Sena’ of Pune helped ‘Manav Dharma Seva Samiti, Nepal’ in its medical camp and conducted medical check-up of quake victims. These organizations have been facing many problems owing to bad weather, hail-storm and bad roads.

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