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HJS team joins relief work mission in Bhaktapur District of Nepal

HJS campaign : ‘Devbhoomi Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’

Kathamandu (Nepal) : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has undertaken a drive ‘Devbhoomi Nepal Sahayata Abhiyan’ in quake-devastated Nepal. Under this drive, HJS joined the rescue operations in Bhaktapur Darbar area, Bhaktapur District near Kathamandu. Shri. Arun kumar Sharma, Secretary, ‘Rashtriya Dharma-sabha Nepal’ obtained permission for HJS team to join rescue operations while he too helped in removing rubble.

Nepal army was engaged in removing debris of damaged structures in front of Bhaktapur municipality around Shiva-Mandir area and HJS team helped them. Several old houses have been damaged in earthquake near Bhaktapur Darbar leading to death of many people. Nepal Sena and Indian soldiers were working together for removing debris. HJS team sought prior permission for joining rescue operation and later helped in removing debris and citizens to find out their lost household things.  

Indian army office helps HJS team

Let. Col. Avinash Saraf helping Indian army men in Nepal inquired after Sou. Shailaja Sane of HJS who was looking after belongings of other team members. He said that he was aware of HJS activities and it has been doing very good job. He also gave his contact number to her assuring her to help in case of any problem.

Experiences of volunteers from HJS team presently working in Nepal in rescue operation

1. On 12th May 2015, the damaged buildings in Bhaktapur were being cleaned. Volunteers from HJS team, local citizens, army men from Nepal and India were helping in the cleaning operation. At the same time, they experienced strong tremors and structures which were half damaged, started collapsing but army men from India and Nepal rescued all people.

2. Few members of HJS team were returning after distributing food and tarpaulin sheets in a village in Kabhre district. They too felt strong tremors on the way as they were at a height and saw many houses from villages collapsing with whirl of dust everywhere.

3. All people were being advised to come out of houses in the open, on grounds and on highways.

4. Temporary camp was set up by Shiv Sena, Nepal for quake-victims at Pashupatinath. Lodging and boarding arrangements for HJS members were done in this camp.

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