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Protest against Indian Head Injury Foundation (IHIF) for denigrating Hindu Deities through advertisement

The Indian Head Injury Foundation (IHIF) was founded in February 2007, with a mission to build a comprehensive system in India for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury, and to provide neuro-rehabilitation to such patients. In one of their advertisements they have used Hindu Deities like Deity Durga, Shri Vishnu and Shri Ganapati to spread the message – ‘protect your head’ resulting in the denigration of Hindu Deities and Hinduism.

Alert Hindus notified Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), a noted Hindu organization in India, about this denigration of Hindu Deities and Hinduism. Accordingly, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti wrote to the IHIF asking them to remove the denigrating advertisement from their official website as well as from their Facebook page but there has been no response from them. (The letter explaining the denigration is published below on this page.)

See the advertisement at below link :

We now request you to appeal lawfully and peacefully to stop this denigration. We also suggest  you write and request them to stop this denigration.

Phone    : +91 8802135378, +91 9911030810, +91 9871118468
Email    : [email protected]


Please see below the email sent by HJS to the Indian Head Injury Foundation:

From: HJS Appeals <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 5:13 PM
Subject: Request to withdraw the ‘What Gods wear before they ride’ advertisement
To: [email protected]


Indian Head Injury Foundation (IHIF)
138 Sunder Nagar
New Delhi -110003 India
Phone    : +91 8802135378, +91 9911030810, +91 9871118468
Mail    : [email protected]

Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Request to withdraw the ‘What Gods wear before they ride’ advertisement

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is a registered NGO engaged in social, religious and National welfare work. The Samiti is active throughout the world, educating people about Dharma in scientific way, campaigning against malpractices that masquerade as religious practices while also solving issues of national, social and religious importance. For further details please refer to our website

We appreciate the efforts that the Indian Head Injury Foundation has put in to educate the people about the dangers of not wearing protective gear while riding a two wheeler. We are sure that your efforts have helped save many lives and will continue to do so. However, we were contacted by many devout Hindus who were shocked and pained to see your advertisement (currently on the front page of the IHIF website and the following link :

where you have used Hindu Deities like Maa Durga, Shri Vishnu and Shri Ganapati to spread your ‘protect
your head’ message.

Please note that the Deities are wearing Crowns. They are not helmets that people wear while riding a two-wheeler. The Science of Spirituality (Adhyatma Shastra) explains the reason behind use of ‘Crowns’. Crowns are responsible for dissipating Shakti, Chaitanya, Anand and Shanti. They are not mere decorative headgear. 

It is inconceivable to a devout Hindu to think of Maa Durga, who has rid the creation of many demons who wrecked havoc, or of Shri Vishnu, who is revered as the Saviour, as mortals who need to take care of their ‘head’ while riding. This is highly offensive and has hurt the sentiments of devout Hindus.

In all, the advertisement helps to spread misinformation about Hindu Deities. As a result, your advertisement misguides the youth to start looking at the Hindu Deities as mortals. Would you have considered making an advertisement showing Prophet Muhammad wearing a helmet while riding a horse?

With this in view, we request you to immediately withdraw the ‘What Gods wear before they ride’ advertisement and tender an apology for hurting the sentiments of devout Hindus.

Please acknowledge this letter and inform us in writing about the action taken by you in this regard.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

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