‘Narayan Narayan – Chulbule Narad ki Natkhat Lilaye’, a TV serial, began being broadcast from April 6th 2015 on BIG Magic Channel. The show revolves around Sage Narad. This serial irreverently portrays the great Sage as a bumbling comedy character. The actions, facial expressions and overall demeanor of the actor playing Sage Narada are derogatory. In addition the characters in this show make a mockery of Hindu Deities and Hinduism resulting in the willful maligning of Sages, Hindu Deities and Hinduism !
Alert Hindus notified Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), a noted Hindu organization in India, about this denigration of Sages, Hindu Deities and Hinduism. Accordingly, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti wrote to the broadcasting officer of the channel asking him to present the stories as they are, while having the actors portraying the various characters maintain the decorum expected of the character. However, there has been no response from them. (The letter explaining the denigration is published below on this page.)
You may view the video of this serial at this link:
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Please read the email below, sent by HJS to the broadcasting officer
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: HJS Appeals
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:45 AM
Subject: Denigration of Hindu Deities and Rushis in your program ‘Narayan Narayan – Chulbule Narad ki Natkhat Lilaye’
To: [email protected]
|| Shri ||
BIG Magic Channel
Reliance Broadcast Network Ltd
401, 4th Floor, Infiniti Mall Link Road, Oshiwara
Andheri West , Mumbai -400053 India
Phone no.: 91 22 3068 9444
Fax No .: 91 22 3988 8927
Email : [email protected]
Sub : Denigration of Hindu Deities and Rushis in your program ‘Narayan Narayan – Chulbule Narad ki Natkhat Lilaye’
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti is a registered NGO engaged in social, religious and National welfare work. The Samiti is active throughout the world, educating people about Dharma in scientific way, campaigning against malpractices that masquerade as religious practices while also solving issues of national, social and religious importance. For further details please refer to our website www.HinduJagruti.org
We appreciate BIG Magic’s efforts to bring Hindu History and tradition to Indian homes through its programs. However, we have received many complaints from devout Hindus who are appalled at the way Sage Narada and revered Gods and Goddesses have been depicted in your serial ‘Narayan Narayan – Chulbule Narad ki Natkhat Lilaye’.
While it is commendable that you have gone to great lengths to script the episodes relating to the various stories surrounding Sage Narada, your serial irreverently shows the great Sage as a bumbling comedic character. The actions, facial expressions and overall demeanour of the actor playing Sage Narada do not give justice, they are downright denigrating! For example in one episode, Narada comes to meet another character (called Chingu) and they dance while gyrating their hips to welcome each other! So also, the other actors playings Mata Lakshmi, Mata Saraswati and Mata Parvati are also shown like everyday housewives instead of the Goddesses that they are. For example, in one episode it is shown that Mata Lakshmi is afraid to talk when Shri Vishnu glares at her!
When people, especially young children watch such shows, it creates impressions on their minds that Hindu Deities and Sages are like everyday people. It takes out the element of Divinity. Sage Narada has an important role to play in this creation. Being an omniscient being, Sage Narada is responsible in speeding up the annihilation of unrighteousness while ensuring the establishment of Dharma. He is not a bumbling troublemaker / mischief-monger as he is portrayed in your serial. So we request you to present the stories as they are, while having the actors portraying the various characters maintain the decorum expected out of the character.
We request you to take serious note of this. Please acknowledge this letter and give us in writing about the actions you have taken in this matter.
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
lodge a fir against these persons ie all cast,director,producer,promoter etc
Hi HJS Team,
i have written to them, I agree that such serials are real nonsense and imprint false notion on the exalted personalities like Narad Muni, Devi Saraswathi, Devi Parvathi and Goddess Lakshmi, once side we want to pray during our helplessness and immediately other side these people behave like rogues and irresponsible citizens, This is very disturbing. We should keep following up and make them stop this garbage.