In the meeting of office bearers in the womens’ savings group held on behalf of S K S Chakshu Foundation in Arivali and Nere area, Shri Bapu Raokar, the Convener of HJS did ‘Dharma-prasar’. In the said meeting, Shri Deherkar, a social worker guided the participants on various callings which can be taken up by ladies, how to avail loan facilities and develop business etc. Shri Deherkar had invited Shri Raokar to attend the said meeting. Shri Raokar explained to the ladies about financial development and addictions as also on Hindu deities and their spiritual significance in Hindu religion. It was decided to sign a representation against anti-Hindu painter M F Hussain and submit it to the Collector and senior officials. It was further decided to have ‘Dharma-satsangs’ every week on behalf of HJS.