O Hindus, unite and establish Hindu Rashtra if you do not want to get circumcised :H. H. Pande Maharaj

1. Warning given through news in ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ about period of crisis !

1. A. In news published under the heading of ‘Manufacturing missiles-claimed by Teherik-E-Taliban’ in Pakistan’ (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, dated 24.4.2015; page 3), it has been stated that ‘Teharik-E- Taliban Pakistan (TTP)’, a terrorist organization from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa area of Pakistan has conducted successful tests of missiles which can carry atom bomb. A video has also been released on the subject by this organization which is constantly fighting against Pakistan army. The spokesperson of this organization has said that it was capable of manufacturing self-destructive bombs, vehicles, anti-jammers etc. and with the grace of Allah, now all enemies would run for life.

1. B. News has been published under heading of ‘ISIS oath to establish power of ‘Dar-Ul-Islam’ over the whole world (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat; dtd. 24.4.2015; page 8) which says – ‘ISIS from Baghdad has taken an oath to establish ‘Islamic Rule (Dar-ul-Islam)’ over the whole world within 5 years. They have declared a plan also for the same and appointed Abu-Bakr-Al-Baghdadi as ‘Khalifa’. Iraq and Levant have been excluded from the plan which has been termed as ‘Islamic State’. Spain has been shown as a part of the Islamic State.


Name Area
1. Khurasan Huge land on East of Persian Empire in which India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China and Russia have been shown
2. Maghreb Central- East Africa, Europe and USA
3. Darul Alkinana Egypt
4. Darul Habsha Ethiopia from Africa

As per this Islamic State, jihadis from all over the world will have to abide by orders of ‘Khalifa Baghdadi’.

1. C. ‘Afghan ‘Taliban’ and ISIS to wage ‘jihad’ against each other !’ was the heading given to one news (Dainik Sanatan Prabhat, 24.4.2015, page- 3) that – ‘ISIS Chief Abu Bakar Al-Baghadadi has termed Mulla Mohammad Umar, the Chief of Taliban as a fool and illiterate person and both the fanatic terrorist organizations have declared ‘jihad’ against each other. It has been brought forth from the papers received by Nabi Jan Mullahakhil, State Chief of Police of South Helmond in Afghanistan that terrorist organizations ‘Afghan Taliban’ and ISIS have waged jihad against each other.

2. The above situation is a beginning of period of crisis

2. A. America’s relations with Afghanistan and Taiban’s likely existence in Afghanistan : America supported Laden against Russia to create own supremacy in Afghanistan. Later, the same Laden set up terrorist organisations and had control over Afghanistan. He even planned an air attack over America’s World Trade Centre on 11.9.2001 in which 2753 people were killed. In retaliation, America started air-attacks on Afghanistan against Laden, which led fleeing of Laden and his gang. America had control over Afghanistan and retained its army to protect own Chief of Army; continuing search for Laden. Finally, Laden hiding in Pakistan was found and killed and was buried in sea. Now, America has withdrawn most of its army men from Afghanistan; therefore, there is likelihood of Taliban regaining control over Afghanistan.

2. B. America aiding Pakistan to fight against Taliban; but Pakistan using it against India : America has been providing weapons to Pakistan right from the beginning, for destroying terrorist organization like Taliban; but Pakistan has always used that aid for fighting wars (1965, 1972 and 1999) against India and to create terror which means that it is also putting curb on India through this. Pakistan shows that it is fighting against terrorism only because it is receiving huge aid from America.

2. C. America’s intervention in Iraq and increasing control of ISIS : Initially, America had helped Iraq’s Saddam (to have control over oil-market at inter-national level). Then, America attacked and captured Saddam to terrorize him when he tried to establish his own existence. America sent its soldiers into Iraq and hanged him through court martial. Since then, there is anarchy in Iraq and ISIS has been taking its advantage by capturing big part of Iraq from where it is trying to have control all over the world through jihadi men and women joining the organization from all parts of the world.

2. D. America and UNO are keeping quiet on ISIS matter; therefore, it is trying to establish control over the world : As per the oath taken by ISIS of ‘Dar-Ul-Islam’ (establishing Islamic rule over the whole world in coming 5 years) , one can get an idea of its preparations made in that direction. They are creating terror in the whole world through their terrorist activities; still neither America nor UNO seems to be in hurry to take any action as was done in case of Laden or Saddam Husain. Other countries are also not doing anything to curb such activities; therefore, it is trying to establish its empire in the whole world. Other Muslim countries too are not opposing such evilness.

2. E. Few examples of terrorism by jihadis in the world :

1. Fanatics had exhibited their extremism in England some time back.

2. Chinese Government foiled uprising staged by jihadis in China.

3. Buddhists had strongly retaliated jihadis’ uprising in Myanmar; therefore, the destructive terrorist forces mellowed down. The fanatics with aggressive attitude, however, shifted from there. Non-violent Buddhists drove away aggressive rohingyas to India. It shows that how terrifying was jihadis’ aggressiveness that Buddhists believing in non-violence had to become violent; therefore, every ‘sattvika’ person has to have weapon for overpowering violent terrorists. Swatantryaveer Savarkar had said that freedom is not possible without war.

2. F. Violence and torture in propagation of religion by fanatic jihadis and Christians; responsible for beginning of ‘Kali-Yuga’ and effects of such jihadis with evil mentality on India

The goal of jihadis is to kill others treating them as ‘kafir’. The wicked jihadis started attacking India when over-promotion of non-violence left Indians without arms. They destroyed temples and huge universities like Nalanda in India; killed Hindus and converted many people. They oppressed Hindus so much that Rajasthani women preferred to commit ‘johar’. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, however, established Hindu kingdom at that time which gave support to Hindus for survival. During the British rule also, Hindus were severely tortured.

Gandhi was influential in Congress party. During riots, he favoured minorities. Large number of Hindus were killed in Naukhali area in Bangladesh during riots; even at that time, Gandhi stopped people from opposing jihadis; thus weakening Indian Hindus. After independence, Pakistan became a separate country. It was a good opportunity created by God to send all jihadis from India to Pakistan; but India was declared as secular and they continued staying in India. Congress appeased them for their votes who have now grown so much in population and have become a danger to the country due to their wickedness; as even today, they are involved in anti-national activities like hoisting Pakistan’s flags, raising slogans acclaiming Pakistan; pelting stones at police; behaving insolently; staging riots etc. They are continuing to do these things as no judicial action is taken against them.

At the time of partitions also, they killed millions of Hindus coming to Hindustan from Pakistan by trains; but the then Prime Minister Nehru or Gandhi did nothing about it. Many times Pakistan attacked India; but despite winning the war, we returned their part won by us. Kashmir problem was, however, taken to UNO and has become a headache for us. Same spinelessness is exhibited even today. 4 crores of Hindus from Bangladesh came to India; but 4 lakh Hindus displaced from Kashmir have not been able to go back to Kashmir.

3. Effect of human attitude over nation and nature

Raja Kaalasya Kaaranam – Mahabharata, 12.69.79

People behave in unrighteous manner if king is unrighteous which leads to excess rainfall, famine, attacks by mice, parrots, internal strife and attacks by enemy etc. in such nation. – ‘Kaushikpaddhati’

3. A. Examples of good-bad human attitude in present situation

3. A. 1. Example of good mentality : Nepal experienced earthquake on 26th and 27th April 2015. Various organizations at international level are extending help to citizens of Nepal. (People will be happy and peaceful if all follow such attitude at global level. – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

3. A. 2. Example of wrong mentality : Taking advantage of earthquake in Nepal, many Christian organizations have been extending help with the motive of conversion. Also at the time of deluge in Uttarakhand, it was observed that Christians were converting affected people, in the name of help. A message has also been received in India that Pakistani terrorists can carry out their activities in India under the guise of offering help to Nepal.

4. Spineless behavior of Indian leaders, resulting in country ruled over by outsiders

A. Pakistan carried out blasts, terrorists attacks in India through many terrorists like Kasab; killing many citizens; supported terrorists like Afzal; creating terror in India. Even then, we are holding discussions with them; trying to be nice to them when they are doing the same things again and agaia. Why have we become so spineless ?

B. With such spineless political leaders as stated above, the country loses freedom. It is surprising that why these leaders cannot understand such things ?

5. Grave situation in Bharat is due to giving importance only to worldly pleasures, instead of Dharmacharan

It has been 67 years since India got freedom; but we have adopted a Constitution based on western culture instead of adopting governance as per our old culture as was prevailing during Rama-rajya. We are still following the British in governing this country. We have not been able to provide basic amenities to the down-trodden and workers and farmers class as expected by them. The main reason for all this is lack of Dharmacharan and giving importance only to worldly pleasures. The situation of anarchy is not limited only to India but the crooked fanatics have created it all over the world. The views expressed by Acharya Yogesh Shastri are quite enlightening and I pray to Srikrushna that let Indian leaders realize the reality after reading the same.

6. Indian patriots ! Know the true nature of Islam and help Hindus all over the world for protection of Dharma and nation ! – Acharya Yogesh Shastri

On page 6 of the issue of ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ dated 26.4.2015, Acharya Yogesh Shastri has expressed his views in an article titled ‘Indian patriots ! Know true form of Islam and help Hindus from all over the world for protection of Hindu Dharma and nation !’ as follows- Indian patriots should first learn about jihadis and their goals towards India, besides historical truth about jihadis and political form of Islam. They should also know the truth that jihadis are not happy despite getting Pakistan but their final goal is to bring India under Islamic rule.

As per the ‘Quran’, the whole world was divided into Momin and Kafir, these two factions. (Quran- 58.19.22) Islam openly considers ‘kafirs’ as their enemies and wants to eliminate ‘Kafirs’ religion. (Quran – 4.101 page 239); therefore, all ‘kafirs’ from the world have only one option and that is unite and help each other for protection of Dharma and nation.

Islamic countries are treating their non-Muslim citizens (kafirs) with all kinds of discrimination; therefore, non-Muslim nations should oppose this. All non-Muslim countries should pressurize United Nations for passing an Act for protection of non-Muslim citizens in Islamic countries and specially implement the same.

Every nation needs to realize the above danger and be alert; so the benefit is in coming together and be active; forgetting all differences. Else, everyone will come under such wicked dominance and be their slaves.

7. Effect of the above condition on India

7. A. Strategy of LeT, ISIS and Talibani if they attack India !

Considering India’s situation, it is likely that Lashkar-E-Tayba (LeT), ISIS and Talibanis might attack India. What will be their strategy ? How Indian jihadis help wicked factions will be clear from following example.

Four educated jihadi youth from Thane district in Maharashtra went to Iraq to join ISIS. Fanatics in India celebrate Pakistan’s win in any sport or other incident by waving Pakistani flags. It means that they live in India but sing praises of Pakistan. They do not sing national anthem. In Kashmir, they are openly showing opposition in everything; taking Pakistan’s side and in all this, heretic Hindus are openly helping them. When terrorists from ISIS or Taliban come here, it will be seen how our own people who are Hindus only by birth, will create problems for us. It is a known fact that treachery by our own Hindu brethren, have resulted in India’s defeat due to which we had to lose freedom for several years.

7. B. Terrorists from ISIS and Taliban will stage riots in every part of India through Indian jihadis

Terrorists from ISIS and Taliban will stage riots in every part of India through Indian jihadis. If police Department fails in having control over them, it would expose weakness of our Defence Department. Taking advantage of this situation, fanatics from other parts of the world will create trouble for Indian Government, then it will become difficult to control them. Tomorrow, if their power increases, they will ask Indians to leave India or convert to Islam ! Indian Government needs to think about it now itself and be alert because those who have the responsibility of protection, have become oppressors. Instead of punishing wicked fanatics, they get beaten up by fanatics but harass virtuous people showing them laws. The class of Government employees has also become oppressor of citizens; instead of helping them. Judicial system is a very lengthy process which has been used by fanatics and wicked factions in their interests. Policies of the Government are beneficial for fanatics and evil-doers. Leaders like Owaisis do anything against Hindus or make any accusations; still no action is taken against them; moreover such evil fanatics are appeased. 25 candidates of MIM have been elected as councilors of Sambhajinagar Municipal Corporation in Maharashtra. In Nanded also, they are powerful. From whom then people should expect help ? Establishment of Hindu Rashtra is therefore, necessary.

8. Hindus’ Deities have weapons for destroying violent ‘Tamoguni’ attitude

We see that our Deities are holding weapons in their hands which are for destroying violent ‘Tamoguni’ attitude. It is also stated in ‘Vedas’ that it is the duty of every king to destroy wicked powers and protect the virtuous, in his kingdom. The purpose of God’s incarnations is also destroying evil-doers and protection of the virtuous, for removing cover of stupor set over Dharma. It is therefore, futile to be under illusion that today’s rulers would protect the virtuous; they will only appease the wicked and do nothing. Finally, the wicked will have control over you and destroy you and order to either join them or leave the country. The matter published under the heading ‘ISIS oath of bringing whole world under ‘Dar-ul-Islam’ on page 8 of issue of Dainik Sanatan Prabhat dated 24th April 2015 and the skyline given for the matter as ‘O Hindus ! Unite and establish Hindu Rashtra if you do not want to get circumcised !’ is therefore, so apt.

9. Injustice, indiscretion or nothing can sustain on the base of Untruth !

‘Anti-Hindus should remember ‘Satyameva Jayate !’ – in this message, His Holiness Gurudev Kate Swamiji says, “Injustice, indiscretion or nothing sustains on the base of untruth despite support of power and wealth !’ Time is the founder of Truth and destroyer of untruth.

10. Jihadis may be reading prayers 5 times in a day; but it is not for welfare of mankind !

Considering the above, all those terrorists or fanatics, who have taken up the mission of killing all, are standing on the base of untruth. Even if they are reading ‘namaz’ 5 times in a day, their prayer is not for welfare of mankind. It is also taught to young children in few mosques. In Pak-occupied Kashmir, Pakistan is training young children for terrorist activities for the past 20 years. Fanatics from India also go there for training; therefore, their mentality has ‘Raja/ Tama’ effect and their inclination is towards misdeeds. Such misdeeds will never be successful as untruth is always destroyed. These people do not know that negative energies make people, under influence of Raja/ Tama, do bad deeds. Nowadays, all 5 basic Elements have been polluted at global level. For eradication of such bad attitude (eradication of personality defects and ego), spiritual practice is necessary. Undertaking spiritual practice as per ‘Gurukrupayoga’, removes personality defects and ego and the attitude changes; a person starts thinking in righteous manner and is uplifted; so also the nation is benefited.

11. Seekers, increase inner strength by increasing ‘Kshatra-Tej’ and ‘Brahma-Tej’ through spiritual practice as per ‘Gurukrupayoga’ for God i.e. ‘Sat-Chit-Anand’ realization !

It has become necessary to increase inner strength by increasing ‘Kshatra-Tej’ and ‘Brahma-Tej’ through spiritual practice as per ‘Gurukrupayoga’ for God i.e. ‘Sat-Chit-Anand’ realization. For increasing ‘Brahma-Tej’, He has been getting spiritual practice done from seekers as per ‘Gurukrupayoga’ under ‘ashtang sadhana’. The spiritual practice has been made easy for all. Under this ‘sadhana’, help is given for removal of personality defects and ego, which are the main reasons for decline of man as it destroys his inner strength. With such ‘sadhana’, a person will not only progress spiritually but strength of society will also increase and people will be ready to face difficult situation. Along with this, we are praying for sacred atmosphere everywhere, so, God will also help us.

12. God rushing for protection of His devotees

How God rushes for protection of His devotees, can be seen from the following points.

A. On 28.4.2015, news has been published on page 3 of Dainik Sanatan Prabhat dated 28.4.2015 under the heading ‘Radio Iran claims ISIS Chief Al Baghdadi getting killed’.

B. H. H. Baba Ramdev saved from Nepal earthquake on 25.4.2015 was also due to divine help as he only said. Many structures, buildings etc. have been damaged due to earthquake but nothing has happened to Pashupatinath Temple in Nepal.

The above incidents show that God comes for protection of His devotees. These incidents are helping to intensify our devotees’ faith in Him; therefore, ‘O God ! We express gratitude to You !’

13. Prayer

The above explanations clearly show that evil deeds have crossed all limits in this era of Kali-Yuga; so let us surrender and pray to God, ‘O Srikrushna, today, the Dharma is in danger at global level due to fanatics; You can only save us from this calamity; give us strength to remove this danger; we totally surrender unto You !’

 – H. H. Parashram Pande, Sanatan Ashram, Devad, Panvel (28.4.2015)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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