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‘Pamphlet giving information on medicines should be made available in regional languages’

Petition filed by HJS

Panaji (Goa) : Pamphlets made available with medicines giving information about its ingredients etc. are generally in medical language and are in very small size fonts which makes it difficult to read.

In short, a person does not come to know anything about the medicine which he is required to take. To bring a change in this situation and to make the pamphlets available in other regional language, Dr. Manoj Solanki, the State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for Goa has filed a petition with the Goa Bench of Mumbai High Court.

Dr. Solanki said, “ It is mandatory for drugs manufacturing companies to insert pamphlets giving information about the medicine under ‘Indian Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1984’; but it has been observed that many companies did not provide such pamphlets and the information given in the pamphlets is published for doctors and druggists rather than being useful for patients. In respect of many medicines, pamphlets are available only in English language which makes it difficult for Indians to understand; therefore, we have filed this petition.”

Demands made through the above petition are

1. Pamphlets should be made available in regional languages.

2. The size of the fonts used for giving information through these pamphlets should be at least 12 / 13.

3. Necessary changes should be made as per ‘Indian Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1984’ and it should be made mandatory for companies to provide information through pamphlets.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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