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Police object to the display of ‘Afzal Khan’s killing scene

Bhadrapad Shuddha Dwadashi

Kalyan (Maharashtra): On the occasion of Ganesha festival, Uday Mitra Mandal from Kasarhat has created a scene on the incident of killing of Afzal Khan with the help of film and audio cassette ; but police took objection to it and forced the mandal to remove that display. (In the State of Maharashtra, the State of Chhatrapati Shivaraya, there is prohibition on telling the true history. So do not be surprised if tomorrow, ban is imposed on even uttering the name of Shivaraya – Editor)

Shri. Kaustubh Phatak, an active reader and devout Hindu from Ambarnath had gone there for ‘darshan’ when he read the board about removal of the display of the above scene. On reading the same, he immediately registered a protest at Bazarpeth police station with senior police officer Shri. Subhash Patil. (Congratulations to Shri. Patil. We need such devout Hindus! – Editor)   

He asked the police that what was wrong with the scene of ‘Killing of Afzal Khan’ depicted by the Mandal as he was killed by Shivaji Maharaj in self defence; moreover, Afzal Khan was no sufi saint. He said that in present times, it was necessary to inform people about Shivaji Maharaj. He reminded the police officer about the incidents from Orissa; about the wrong history taught through NCERT books. Police officer, however, felt that some other scene could have been created instead of the killing of Afzal Khan.

Shri. Phatak requested the police to permit to display the scene as its removal amounts to throttling of Hindus rights and did not go with the principle of secularism. He appealed to the policemen that when there was no complaint by anyone why police took such action. (Even if there was complaint, it was not proper to hide a truth – Editor) Shri. Phatak informed ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ that when he visited the Mitra mandal Ganapati’ the following day, he found that police had issued notice under article 149 and there was police vigilance.

Even the members of the mandal were quiet as they did not want opposition from police. First, Afzal Khan’s scene was taken out and then, statue of Sayyad Banda was removed on the following day (Only in India, invaders are appeased. At this rate, there would be felicitation of our attackers – Editor) Nobody can lodge a complaint and to avoid trouble from police, nobody wants to take action. Shri. Phatak expressed his fear that a police officer has made the mandal remove a scene today, tomorrow they may become bolder and harass every Hindu.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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