Bhadrapad Krushna Chaturthi/Panchami
Panji (Goa): To protest against the attacks on the Christen community in Orissa ‘Indian council for social justice and peace’ and ‘Interfaith dialogue for life’ jointly organized a public rally in Panji. More than 3000 christens including leaders like Nationalist Congress Goa, President Dr. Velfred D’ Souza, Revenue minister Juze Philip D’sousa, Power minister Alex Sequera were present for this rally.
We should under stand no Hindu leader turned up for the rallies organized by Hindu’s except big rallies like the convention of all Goa temple security committee, fight for Amarnath shrine board and assassination of Swami Laxmanand. But Christen leaders were present to the rally which was not much hyped that also in a small state like Goa where 3000 christens gathered for the protest. Does any Hindu leader is even bothered about the attacks on Hindus and Hindu’s callousness about enmity towards our righteousness.
Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’
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Ancestors’ soul becomes satisfied only after receiving pinda and water from their son.