Bhadrapad Krushna Navami
Hindus, protest against Camlin who is inviting School children to denigrate our Lord Ganesha!
Contact Details :
Address :- ‘CPD, 48/2, Hilton House, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 92
Tel: +91 22 28360302 / 28366011
Fax: +91 22 28366579
Mumbai : ‘Camlin’, a company manufacturing items mostly used by school children, is holding a competition for advertising its new product called ‘Crafti Glue’. The competition is called “Ganapati Makhar Contest 2008” in the background of Sree Ganesha festival. A printed picture of Sree Ganesha has been provided to schools and the company has asked children to complete the picture by sticking different pulses on parts of Sree Ganesha. The pictures are later to be sent back to the company.
It has been advised to use lentil for the face of Sree Ganesha in the picture, ‘suji’ is to be used on his stomach and palms and ‘moong’ dal on his legs, besides, mustard seeds are to be used for mouse, the vehicle of Sree Ganesha. The picture is to be sent by 25th September. The winners of the contest will be presented computer and other items as gifts. The type of contest has hurt religious sentiments of Hindus and devout Hindus are registering their protest on the address at ‘CPD, 48/2, Hilton House, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 92 and on contact no. (022) 28366011
Source: ‘Daily Sanatan Prabhat’