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Destructive mentality of Indians lacking patriotism and glorifying terrorists !

What will you call people who support and feeling sad about killings of terriorists ?

‘Pujya’ Pruthviraj Hazare

Terrorist Kasab involved in carrying out serial attacks on Mumbai on 26.11.2008 was hanged in the year 2012.

An American citizen had come to India at that time. He observed that many news channels were conducting discussion programs on the topic of hanging of Kasab and views of known personalities on whether it was proper or improper to hang Kasab, were being continuously published by many newspapers.

The most pathetic thing was people of this country were watching news about hanging of Kasab with lot of interest.

The American was very disturbed with these things and said that considering such mentality of Indians, I am sorry to say that most of the Indians lack patriotism.

Patriotism of US citizens !

While talking about patriotism of American citizens, he said, “Whenever an anti-national is given punishment, its news is published in newspapers and on news channels after which the topic ends there; because the Court of the country takes such decision in the interest of the country. This decision is accepted by all citizens. Distorted or perverted news are never published about it nor are discussion programs held on TV channels; for the reason that such topic cannot be a topic of discussions.”

After Kasab, now Indians, lacking patriotism, are glorifying Yakub Memon !

After Kasab, now discussion are held everywhere about death punishment of Yakub Memon who was involved in the serial bomb blast that had shaken Mumbai in 1993. The infuriating thing is that few citizens lacking patriotism, are making statements against death sentence on TV channels and even discussion sessions are held on TV channels. Few have written letter to the President pleading that Yakub should not be hanged. It shows in India how even terrorists are glorified due to lack of patriotism amongst Indians.

 – Pujya (Shri.) Pruthviraj Hazare,
Former group Editor, Sanatan Prabhat,
Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa (27.7.2015)

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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