Chennai : The Patanjali Yog Samiti had invited Hindu Janajagruti Samiti to give lecture on Nation during their Independence day celebration on 15th August 2015 at Jai nagar park, Arumbakkam. The Patanjali Yog Samiti has been regularly conducting yoga classes here.
Shri. Ganesh Shetti from HJS spoke about the present situation of Bharat. The audience were asked whether they feel India has really got independence? He said that, ‘India is still under the clutches of corruption, rape, terrorism, infiltration etc. This is not the Bharat for which our freedom fighters have sacrificed their precious lives.’ The present scenario in which how ISIS is making India its next target was explained. It was also brought to the notice of the audience that amongst the 572 MPs elected in the Lok Sabha of 2014, 30% of the candidates had criminal charges against them. This is a shame on us since as a country with 125 crore population, we were not able to get 572 honest people to rule the Nation.
Significance of Hindu Rashtra and its necessity was explained to the people. He also told that, ‘We wanted a Nation where apart from economic development, spiritual development was the most important. In Hindu Rashtra, each and every living organism would experience happiness.’
Shri. Ganesh Shetti highlighted the activities of HJS and various activities that it conducts to unite Hindus of various sects. He also told that HJS tirelessly conducted classes imparting Dharmashikshan (education on Dharma) to the society and emphasized the requirement of an Ideal Education system for this.
Shri. Shriram Luktuke from HJS addressed the attendees of the program by Patanjali Yog Samiti held at it’s Chennai’s Head Office, Anna Nagar. Here, the independence day celebration was conducted for all the yoga teachers of Chennai. There was a very good response from the Patanjali Sevaks.
Highlights Of the Function
1. One of the Dharmabhimani present said that Vande Mataram is our true national song. After listening to HJS’ volunteer speech he felt we should sing Vande Mataram & then program was concluded with Vande Mataram.
2. At Jai Nagar park, 2 youngsters were putting small paper flag on everyone’s shirt. HJS’ volunteers educated them about the possible denigration of our National Flag that may occur if these paper flags were not properly handled. They were requested to explain people, while distributing flags, about their proper disposal on the next day to avoid denigration.