Thane Riot: What lessons can Hindus learn?

Ashwin Krushna Dwitiya

The incidents of  instigating riots by some or the other offending means  during the holy festivals of Hindus are constantly taking place somewhere in the state  for the last one year. The Muslims repeated the same at Thane during the previous day of Navaratra for a paltry reason. The Hindus were attacked in a big numbers by creating unnecessary communal tension. The result of the riot – the permanent scars on the minds of hindus, the demoralization of police and the large amount of physical and mental distress suffered by them, three deaths, fleeing of 39 hindu families,and the loss of  lakhs of rupees involving the injured, houses, shops and vehicles.

Howevar the most important was the terror struck in the minds of helpless and unarmed Hindus by  the Muslims! The same terror is lingering in the minds of Hindus for last thousand years and this terror itself is responsible for the destruction of  their Hindutva and therefore themselves.Therefore O Hindus, withthis riot in the background it is essential to study and understand the incidents to contemplate upon the  measures to be taken for our survival and to become active in that direction.

Photo of situation after riots

Photo of situation after riots

O Hindus, first prepare yourself mentally and psychologically while facing the riots!

Every Hindu should first realize the clear picture of the Hindu hating psychology of Muslims and their Jihadi attitude, the extreme selfishness of the politicians and their anti- Hindu stance, the helplessness of police and their demoralization by the politicians and unarmed and disjointed Hindus.  Hindus have to seriously think that it is most essential according to the current dire time to face such riots by getting ready first at  mental and psychological level.

The utter confusion faced by the police during the riot!

Amongst the various points perceived about the Rabodi riot those pertaining to the police are most serious.Even an  ordinary man gives a reflex disgusting look when he is pushed by somebody unknowingly.Here we saw a shameful and disgusting  incident from the point of view of any proud citizen of Bharat that the armed  Muslims were attacking the police and the police were helplessly at the receiving end just because there were no orders from above to use the weapons. The politicians are demoralizing the police by getting them beaten at the hands of rioters with a soul aim of pleasing the Muslims.

Police officer injured during riots

Police officer injured during riots

The big criminals are killed by police in the encounters. They have  been given the rights to do so. Therefore time has come for Hindus to know about those laws, powers and orders which make  police impotent during such riots and launch protests accordingly.The Muslims are now after the blood of police. Such incidents are frequently getting repeated. Here the repetition of Bhivandi incident was narrowly averted. Are the stone-hearted politicians going to take the responsibility of such incident?

Sri Madhu Shinde, the assistant Inspector who got retired in the evening of the day of riot said, " We can control the riot within 15 minutes if we are give powers." If the administration gives suitable powers to the police not only   control one  riot but also it will increase the pressure on the Muslims all over and they will not commit excesses.

But the one sided love of politicians towards the Muslims is such that they simply prefer to watch death  of Hindus , destruction of their households and devastation of their life than taking proper decision.  If the politicians trying to please the minorities hastily took out orders to suspend a daring inspector like Sri Sahebrao Patil who entered the riot area without caring for his life  and was  later transferred. If  such is the case then which police personel will bother to control the riots hereafter? That may be exactly the reason as to why police are unsuccessful either to control the riot or  planning to prevent it.

The preparation of fanatic Muslims during the riot!

The second important point is that the Muslims always  have a large stock of  weapons such as acid bombs,petrol bombs,swords, sharpened stones. It is well known that these are brought  in vehicles from the mosques and houses. These minority  people  have  the inherent quality of unity and the stockpiling of weapons gives them  strength to go berserk and  which is responsible for riot. In a Dassara gathering  Shivsenapramukh said,  "push the military in the mosques!".

How come those rulers who do not have genuine inclination to finish off the terrorism can  dare to take such a decision? It is quite clear that as long  as their pockets are getting filled according to their wishes they can not come to a definite decision  in favour of Hindu cause even if the riot situation becomes worse.Therefore there is no alternative for the Hindus but to show the power of their votes and this they will have to carry out wholly at definitive action level. It is duty of every Hindu citizen towards Nation and Righteousnes to take a firm decision of finishing  the Hindu hating Congress and thus show empathy to the thousands of Hindus  bearing the brunt of riots!

O Hindus, remember that the weak get defeated!

The terror reign of Muslims in Rabodi is in fact one year old. During the last year’s Navaratra celebration 200 Muslims had come together but the time was probably not ripe. This time the Muslims were grumbling since two to three days.To move from below the saffron flag during the Ramadan was probably sinful for them. hThe police advised the Hindus to shift the arch backwards. There is a aphorism in Sanskrut that the weak  are defeated by everybody. Hindus remain quiet  however you squeeze them. Therefore all people including ruling politicians are testing their patience.There is thus dire necessity for Hindus to get  awakened, united and increase their strength.

Caution! The  camps of displaced Hindus are getting ready everywhere!

During Rabodi riot 39 families got displaced. Uptil now displacement was the word connected with Kashmir.Now Maharashtra is slowly getting transformed into Kashmir. Those displaced in during Dhule riots are about five thousand in number. The ruling politicians  are responsible for this dire state of Hindus; but why should Hindus allow themselves to come to this state?Today some hindus are under distress while others are comfortable.But it is to be noted that if Hindus do not come together forgetting their position, party,sect etc then soon they will have to face the situation of staying in the camps of dieplaced hindus in a Muslim majority state And that will be the greatest dishonour in a hindu majority Bharat. 

‘ We do not want such  hypocritical politicians who visit for consoling after the rapes, murder and arson are over  but such Hindu representatives who would be able to prevent such incidents and would come on the road for the defence of people in case they do take place!’

‘ When you get disturbing news related to Nation and Dharma, do not eat nice food that day, do not see entertaining programmes on the TV, pray for the riot affected Hindu brethren and send them help so that the family members will be aware of the seriousness of the situation.The seekers of Sanatan Sanstha and volunteers of Hindu Janjagrutu Samiti are doing the same!

This method of  keeping the fire of  outrage against Hindus burning in the Hindu  minds  is worth a million rather than a consoling visit by a hypocritical politician!

Courtesy: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

Also See

  1. Hindu Genocide in Kashmir and Bangladesh
  2. Achalpur Riots: Kashmir in Maharashtra
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