Vasumbe (Dist. Sangli) : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)’s appeal to immerse Ganesh idols in flowing water instead of donating idols was supported by Vasumbe Gram panchayat in Tasgaon taluka. A letter given by HJS was read out during Gram sabha for information of all members. A letter signed by Sarpanch Sou. Shobha Prakash Kambale and Gram sevak extending support was given to HJS. Shri. Sachin Gurav, a local devout Hindu worked hard to get this decision approved. (Congratulations to Vasumbe Gram panchayat for supporting HJS appeal ! Other Gram panchayats should also follow the example of Vasumbe ! – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
In the letter given by Gram panchayat to HJS, it has been stated that …
- Public festival committees should not install Ganesh idols which are more than 3 feet tall; because it becomes difficult to perform ‘puja’, immersion etc. and the idol can be desecrated in the process. The idol should therefore be of less height.
- Decoration should be ‘sattvik’ and natural, banana stumps, ‘durva’, ‘sattvik’ flowers can be used for the purpose; use of thermocol, plastic and excessive use of electricity should be avoided.
- Principle of Ganesh is active thousand times more during this period; so chant ‘Om Gan Ganapataye Namaha’ as much as possible; do not play film songs, avoid consumption of liquor or playing cards; play devotional songs and ballads. Wear traditional clothes in processions. (Why can’t municipalities and municipal corporations understand what a small Gram-Panchayat could realize ? – Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)
Vasumbe Gram panchayat will always support you to avoid desecration of idols, states the letter while concluding.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat