False label on Hindus

New Delhi: Brigadier SK Malik of Pakistan’s Army has written a book on Islamic warfare. He was given the job of writing such a book by former Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Haq. The book titled Quranic Concept of War was made compulsory for Pakistan Armed Forces personnel. Available in English, Urdu and Arabic, was made compulsory to read for all jihadis worldwide.

Just one para from the book is sufficient to make one understand the barbaric philosophy and programming of Islamic terror: "Terror struck into the hearts of the enemies is not just a means, it is the end in itself. Once a condition of terror into the opponent’s heart is obtained, hardly anything is left to be achieved. It is the point where the means and the end meet and merge. Terror is not a means of imposing decision upon the enemy (sic); it is the decision we wish to impose upon him."

In the background of this philosophy of terror, Islam had to set an example. On September 9, 2001, the two tallest buildings of New York, the world’s financial capital, were destroyed in a matter of few minutes. More than 3,000 people working in these buildings were instantly killed. One after the other, two aeroplanes crashed into these buildings. Nothing but the rubbles remained.

Incidentally, I saw both the planes hitting these buildings and their subsequent collapse. There is no other parallel in the world’s history of such brutal destruction. The whole world witnessed this shocking incident hitherto inconceivable. The whole humanity was shocked. Now mark the words of Brigadier Malik — Terror had really struck into the hearts of the enemies. In 2001, not only America, but the entire western world was terrorised. After delivering the terror shock, as per Brigadier Malik’s theory, half the work was done. George Bush was immensely angry.

By this time, Pakistan was well known as the hub of terrorism. America forced it to become an ally against terror. Pakistan’s President General Musharraf was told that if he did not ally in the war against terror, Pakistan would find itself back in the stone age. The travesty of the situation was that Pakistan, which created Jihadi terrorists with Talibans, had to stand against the same terrorist groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Another travesty was that the militia-cum-terrorist were trained, assisted and financed by the Americans themselves and utilised as per their strategies.

Since the attack on the Twin Towers, Islamic terror increased exponentially. Things came to such pass that all Muslims were suspected as terrorists in Europe and the western world. Life became very difficult for those who put on Muslim attires. An industrialist like Azim Premji was hugely humiliated in America for just being a Muslim. In half of the world, even the presence of Muslims was resented. However, Muslims resented the use of the word Islamic terrorism.

In these fateful years, western scholars wrote hundreds of books against Islamic terrorism. Numerous researches were conducted. On the other side, Muslim intelligentsia were a worried lot. Affixing the stamp of terrorism on Islam offended the Muslim society at large. Affluent Muslims and Muslim scholars produced tons and tons of pro-Muslim literature. Arab money established chairs in Western Universities for defending Muslims blemished by Jihad and terrorism.

I can say it by personal experience that the use of the word Islamic terrorism annoyed them terribly. Once in a parliamentary debate in Rajya Sabha I was to speak on the subject. I collected half a dozen authentic books on Islamic terrorism. The moment I used the word Islamic terrorism a number of Muslim MPs protested against that. Nazma Heptullah was in the chair. She told the protesters that I was merely quoting from the books so why were they objecting to it? After sometime the protests died and I continued to speak. Muslims leaders did the same on whatever platform they were present. But the fact remains that the mission of Jihad against non-believers is continuation of annihilation of the non-believers or Kafirs. Jihad has a long history in India too. It has been continuing for about a thousand years. Till Friday, in four cities of Assam, eight Kafirs were killed and more than 400 injured.

During, and even after partition, till date, Islamic Jihad has been a continuous process and has been taken up as an Islamic programme wherever it is possible. How can the use of the word "Islamic terrorism" be resented? On the contrary, its victims have genuine grievance against them.

As this is the election year, the concern of losing Muslim votes has made the ruling party, their allies and former allies prepared a strategy. Political leaders of these parties started using the word Hindu terrorist without any rhyme or reason. No Hindu terrorist has been brought to book and punished. Of course, the media trial of Pragya Thakur Singh has reached its crescendo. Hindu terrorism is unheard of. Political opponents are demonising the Hindu society. Traditionally Hindus have never been terrorists.

Source: Dailypioneer.com

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