Unanimous decision to drive away Congress govt by Hindus!

kartik krushna chaturdashi

Joint Fifth All Sect (Sarva Sampradaya) mega conference of HJS and Varkari Sampraday.


Varkari, HJS, Art of living and Sanatan Sanstha's chief on dias

Varkari, HJS, Art of living and Sanatan Sanstha’s chief on dias

Pune (Maharashtra): The present Government both at Center and State is against God, Nation , Dharma and Saints and therefore it is trying to ban various Pro-Hindu organisations including Sanatan and harrassing the Saints afer arresting them under some pretext.Varkari Sampraday today declared its full support for Sanatan Sanstha at the Fifth  Sarva Sampradaya mega conference  combinedly organised by HJS and Varkari Sampraday.Besides it was also unanimously decided  by Varkari Sampraday and various Pro-Hindu organisations to drive away Congress government bent on imposing a ban on Sanatan Sanstha.

The conference was organised on the occasion of  Saint  Sri Dnyaneshwar Maharaj’s Sanjeevani Samadhi celebration at  Goppalpura,Sri Khsetra Alandi today between 11a.m. and 5 p.m.with a main purpose of defence of Hindu Dharma. Varkari Sampraday, Art of Living, HJS ansd Sanatan Sanstha were the main participants.The conference was presided over by Chief of Maharashtra unit of Akhil Bharat Sant Samiti Hari Bhakti Parayan (H.B.P) Sri  Swami Narayananada Saraswati Maharaj alias Balyogi.Besides dignitaries such as  senior members of Varkari Sampraday Santaveer H.B.P. Bandatatya Karadkar, Bheeshmacharya of Varkari Sampraday H.B.P. Sri Nivrutti Maharaj Vakte, President of Maharashtra Varkari Mahamandal H.B.P. Sri PrakashMaharaj Javanjal, President of Varkari Prabodhan Mahasamiti Sri Rameshwar Shastri Maharaj, H.B.P.Kadam Mauli, Poojya Baba Mahahnas, Acharya DevGopal Shastri, Hindu Sanghtak of HJS   Dr Virendra Tawde ,Sri Sunil Ghanvat of Santan Sanstha and Sri Bhargav Sarpotdar of VHP were present on the dais.H.B.P. Sri Tuntune Maharaj compered the programme while H.B.P. Rameshwar Maharaj expressed a vote of thanks.The  conference ended with Pasaydan.

Speeches of the dignitaries

Support only those parties respecting God, Nation, Dharma and Saints – Santveer Bandatatya Karadkar

H.B. P. Bandatatya Karadkar in his guiding speech said that it does not matter even if our favourite candidate loses.Do not support a government  not loyal to God, Nation, Dharma and Saints.Only that party  which respects God, Nation, Dharma and Saints and clearly mentions so on their election manifesto shall be supported.

Hindutva awareness is essentil – H.B.P. Prakash Maharaj Javanjal

Today there a dire need of creating awarenes about Hindutva in the society. All the politicians are conspiring against Hindutva just for the politics of votes.The media also is  adopting a grossly wrong and partial attitude of constantly highlighting Anti- Hindu news to the masses.

The Government which does not listen to the greviences of Hindus should be dethroned – H.B.P. Rameshwar Shastri Maharaj

In this country the Hindus are constantly disgraced for the sake of appeasement of Muslims.This government should go if does ot care for Hindus.While special planes were arranged for the Haj pilgrims ,poor devotees coming for Kartiki Yatra to Alandi were stuck at various places for the lack of adequate bus transport.Even when the involvement of Muslims in various anti-social activities is clear cut the government is purposely keeping mum over those issues just for  the appeasement of Muslims.

The Hindu Deities are insulted in inferior words in ‘ New Life’ a book used for spread of Christianity- H.B.P Nivrutti Maharaj Vakte

The Hindu Deities  like Lord Ram , Lord Krushna and Lord Vishnu are insulted in inferior words in ‘ New Life’ a book used for spread of Christianity.These Chritians are converting innocent hindus in the country by distributing such blasphemious books.They have accelerated their activities of conversions in the Adivasi areas.There are thousands of such converting Christian organisations spread all over Bharat out of which 150 are active in Maharashtra alone.

Entire Maharashtra will become enraged if Santan Sanstha is banned – Sunil Ghanvat, Sanatan Sanstha

If the Government does injustice by banning Sanatan Sanstha just to please Muslims then the entire Maharashtra will become enraged.All the pro- Hindu organisations including Varkari Sampraday would then firmly stand behind Sanatan which would lead to the hands of ‘Clock’to rotate in a reverse fashion and the ‘Hand’ would have to slap itself on the face.

The lack of DharmaShikshan( Religious teaching), Dharmabhiman( pride in our Dharma) and unshakable faith has lead to such a pathetic state of Hindus – Dr Virendra Singh Tawde, HJS.

The lack of DharmaShikshan, Dharmabhiman and unshakable faith has lead to such a pathetic state of Hindus. The Dharma is  being attacked from all sides but the Hindus are still not awake.This demands at least counter arguement if not actual fight for every attack on Hindu Dharma.This will lead to widespread awakening.The Anti- Hindu government is trying to ban Sanatan which is involved in Dharmashikshan for the Hindus a action  which needs to be strongly condemned.Have you ever noticed the same people asking a ban on SIMI? Such a government needs to shown its place now.

The present fight is between the Patriots and the Traitors – Bhargav Sarpotdar, VHP

The nature of  present fight is between the Patriots and the Traitors. The government is trying to appease terrorists  by unjust defamation of Hindu Saints and Sages.It therefore needs to be changed.

Support to Sanatan declared unanimously

Speakers’ opinion: The government is proposing a ban on Sanatan as it is involved in misssion of creating Social awareness and Awareness amongst the Hindus

Some individuals are cooking anti Hindu conspiracies in this country.These enemies of ours are moving ahead very fast.Their only aim is to finish of Hindutva.The proposed ban on Sanatan is part of such a conspiracy.This Sanstha is active at social level for last 18 years. It is  carrying on such social works as helping the needy poor, free distribution of note-books etc. However  its imporatnt mission of Hindu Jagruti is the main reason behind ite proposed ban. H.B.P Javanjal Maharaj and others expressed such opinions during their speeches.

The impotant resolution passed in this conference

"Only that party  which respects God, Nation, Dharma and Saints and clearly mentions so on their election manifesto shall be supported " as told by H.H. Bandatatya Karadkar was accepted as main resolution during this Fifth Sarva Sampraday Conference. ( We congratulate Varkari Sampraday and other Sansthas for passing such a resolution preserving the identity of Nation and Dharma! – Editor)

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha

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