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HJS Ideal Ganeshotsav drive, Mumbai : Petition submitted to Guardian Minister, MLAs, Mayors & Commissioners

HJS ‘Ideal Ganeshotsav’ drive – Petition submitted to Guardian Minister of Thane district, MLAs, Mayors and Commissioners at Kalyan, Ulhasnagar, Ambernath

Thane (Maharshtra) : Water pollution is caused by chemical factories, sewage water, trash throughout the year and no action is taken despite Pollution Control Board giving instructions; but Ganeshotsav which is celebrated only once in a year is held responsible for pollution, which is wrong. Donation of idols, immersion in water tanks should be stopped as it hurts religious sentiments of Hindus.

Ganesh idols should be immersed in sea, river or flowing water as prescribed in ‘Dharma-shaastra’. Representation with the above demands was submitted to Shri. Eknath Shinde, the Guardian Minister of Thane District and MLAs, Mayors, municipal councilors and commissioners at Thane, Kalyan, Ulhasnagar and Ambernath.

from left – Shri. Nandkishore Thakur and Shri. Ajay Sambhus submitting petition to Thane Mayor-Shri. Sanjay More

Petitions submitted to Mayor, MLA and Municipal Commissioner at Kalyan

Kalyan : Under its drive of ideal Ganeshotsav, petitions were submitted by HJS to Shri. Narendra Pawar, BJP-MLA from Kalyan, Mayor Sou. Kalyani Patil and Kalyan-Dombivali Municipal Commissioner Shri. E. Ravindran. They promised to see that there would be no desecration of idols.

Law should be made to prevent desecration of Shri Ganesh ! – Shri. Manohar Hire, Ulhasnagar Municipal Commissioner

Delegation of HJS met Shri. Manohar Hire, the Municipal Commissioner of Ulhasnagar and explained to him about the drive undertaken by HJS, desecration of Ganesh idols etc. Shri. Hire appreciated the drive and said that law should be passed for prevention of desecration of Ganesh idols. A petition was also submitted to Ulhasnagar’s Mayor, Sou. Apeksha Patil.

Ambernath’s Mayor Kum. Pradnya Bansode promises to support HJS drive !

Ambernath : A petition was submitted to Kum. Pradnya Bansode, Mayor of Ambernath demanding that drives like donation of idols and immersion in artificial water tanks should not be allowed. A VCD on malpractices taking place during the festival was shown to the municipal councilors. Kum. Bansode liked the VCD and promised to extend cooperation.

1. Shri. Shriram Godbole, Dy. Chief Officer said that the drive was good from the viewpoint of pollution control and respecting religious sentiments of people.

2. Fire officer Shri. R. B. Patil and the Mayor liked the concept and promised to help.

3. Shri. Suresh Patil, Chief of Health Department said it was a good drive and that it was necessary to create awareness amongst people.

4. Shri. Subhash Salunkhe, Chairman of Water Supply Committee said that the concept was good but there was need to implement it promptly.

5. All municipal councilors present on the occasion appreciated the drive.

Municipal councilors offer to make arrangements for trucks to carry idols to river for immersion !

HJS drive was explained to officers and municipal councilors at Ambernath and VCD on the subject was also shown to them. Shri. Viresh Ahir of the Samiti suggested that citizens from respective areas can be taken in trucks to river by municipal councilors, for immersion of idols. Shri. Rajesh Kalekar, Dy. Mayor spontaneously offered to make arrangement for truck.

Desecration of idols will be prevented ! – Shri. Sanjay More, Mayor, Thane

Thane : Incidents of desecration of idols donated by devotees and while re-immersing the idols immersed in water tanks had taken place earlier in Thane and a letter was written to inform the Municipal Corporation. HJS delegation met Mayor, Shri. Sanjay More in this connection and showed him paper-cuttings from news published even in other newspapers. He promised Shri. Ajay Sambhus and Shri. Nandkishore Thakur, members of the delegation that such incidents would not take place in future.

Similar petition was also submitted to Municipal Commissioner Shri. Sanjeev Jaiswal.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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