Mogappair, Tamil Nadu : All the Saturdays are considered auspicious during the month of Purattasai for Perumal. During the purattasi Saturday on 26th September 2015, a special satsang on the topic ‘Spirituality : to lead a blissful life’ was arranged at Shri Santhan Srinivas Perumal Temple in Mogappair from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm. This satsang was arranged due to the efforts of Sanatan’s seeker Shri. Shridhar.
Before the start of the satsang the Perumal garland was offered as Prasad to Sou. Uma Ravichandran, by the Chief Battacharya of the temple. The satsang started with a Dharmasatsang video explaining the familial and social achars as per Hindu Dharma. The correct way of celebrating birthday, the importance of doing namaskar, hair style, dress code, the correct method of inauguration ceremony were explained in detail in the satsang. It was followed by a lecture on the eight aspects of sadhana as per Gurukrupayog. The satsang concluded with the video on University of Spirituality.
The Tamil holy texts of Sanatan Sanstha were displayed. After the satsang the trustees took Sanatan’s seekers for a special darshan of the Deity. Shawl, coconut and Prasad was given to seekers. Around 30 devotees sat and listened with total interest. There was a floating crowd of more than 500 in the temple at that time.