Vote Bank Politics : Enemy of democracy

Paush Shuddha Chaturthi

By Rajasaab

While many of the banks are in trouble throughout the world, Vote Bank politics in India is alive and kicking and is a dangerous development for emerging democracies in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.
The recent example of an anti majority cabinet minister in India raising possibility of conspiracy in the open murder of ATS officers in Mumbai terrorist strikes, was foolish and was raised because they were investigating, so called, Hindu terrorism and had lost credibility in doing so, which prompted a sense less charge of, not so hidden, Hindu conspiracy and complicity from that minister. The minister had raised the scenario of Hindu terrorism, by all accounts, to please his vote bank constituency. The minister might have considered himself intelligent and Indians as fools, but he has made himself and his party a laughing stock of the world and Indian experiment of shameless vote bank politics has set a bad example for the world’s longing for the democracy. The people all over the world will think many times before choosing a political system existent in India, which is worst than the most despised of any system of governance.
As the terrorism in Mumbai was in full swing, ATS officers, who were busy investigating a copy cat, amateur, non proven single violent incident as a great breakthrough and their real masters in Delhi, were rushing in two different directions: the ATS officers were bravely rushing to confront the real terrorists in ill equipped, useless, bullet proof jackets and incompetent ruling party politicians were running for cover, fearing a good thrashing from newly emerging nationalist, awakened, educated and affluent youths of India in place of earlier generation of Indians, whom they had fooled for most of the sixty years after independence.
Even while running for cover, the vote bank politicians devised a spin, by which the corrupt media would coarsely blame ALL politicians, diverting the youth’s rage equally, to the only hope for democracy- a newly emerging, just and all representing political party. The shameless media was typically acting as running with the hare (youth) and hunting with the hounds (incompetent political party).
If this party loves imaginary conspiracy so much why not consider real conspiracy possibility, which as being rumored credibly, is that some politician of ruling party directed ATS chiefs to a trap where the terrorists were lying in wait near Cama Hospital, away from commotion for clean culling and killing ATS officers and transferring whole terrorism issue afresh to so called Hindu terrorism with a monstrous weight. Mr. karkare and his men had enough of Malegaon nonsense and before they could expose the politicians responsible for the fake Hindu terrorism agenda, another rumor goes, they were directed to their death. The allegation of conspiracy by the minister was not just to provide cover to Pakistani terrorists but to preempt any suspicion by prematurely raising conspiracy theory and particularly in context of Pakistan thus ridiculing any genuine enquiry in the first place, as the rumor goes. People can figure out who such fool hardy and idiotic person in ruling party may be. Although he may be exposed it is just a tip of iceberg in this country. The danger is, if this real conspiracy is not properly isolated from Pakistani terrorism and Pakistani role in execution of main plot and investigated by truly nationalist organizations, the probe can be futile and Pakistan may escape punishment.
Along with punishment to Pakistani establishment, Indian establishment, which has planted this subplot should be punished severally and ruling establishment must be dismissed disgracefully, if the real subplot is found as facts or resign as incompetent and corrupt player of politics as unfit for a democratic government and as a betrayer of people’s trust in the name of democracy.
The people, who are not familiar with Vote Bank politics in India, should know that some communities in India were encouraged to be isolated, kept backward, encouraged to study all shorts of theology in Madrasa etc., to promote fear of assimilation in majority community, to be subject to inferiority and superiority complexes, so that they, as uneducated, not vote on merit but due to fear psychosis vote in concert as block to whomever they are directed by corrupt politicians, who can provide all kinds of corrupt cover in exchange of directed block vote.
The famous Shahbanu case, article 370 in Indian constitution amendment, JNU, history books tailored to vote bank politics and not as per political needs, soft on terror, hard on Hindus, intervention and management of Hindu temples and not other religious institutions, introduction of foreign owned media with their own anti national agenda, release of terrorists for the release of a kidnapped Muslim Minister’s daughter etc. are glaring example of this raping of democracy and development of this sick art of vote bank politics. The vote bank politics in India is an equal opportunity enterprise, so that whoever were kept backward and isolated due to fear of unity during coloniasm period, were eligible to join this club, therefore, so called, backward classes and castes, DMKs etc. all Hindus were not immune to Vote bank political manipulation and exploitation by most corrupt and heinous anti national other parties, besides the one which is the main culprit .
Meanwhile, it is alleged credibly that another Central minister’s wife has accumulated 7 billion 765 millions of rupees in one year in directorship and partnership with a couple of private companies. The minister and his party asks what is wrong in it? No governmental inquiry, no investigation and no report in media except the one credible newspaper which investigated on its own! .


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