Shri. Arvind Sawant, a Shiv Sena MLA contended in the State Legislative Council (SLC) that �Om� is the first original letter and has the power of a ‘mantra’. Therefore, such letter should not be used in any kind of packaging or name and the Govt. should take necessary action to stop such abuse of �Om� and ensure that people’s religious feelings are not hurt. He raised the issue under the point of propriety. Shri Vasant Davakhare, the Deputy Chairman of SLC, issued directions for taking stringent action against the concerned. After creation of the world, the first sound that was created, was �Om�. Thereafter, all the animate and inanimate things came to be. �Om� has therefore, a special significance in Indian culture. Any incantation done beginning with �Om� acquires a special power. It is a sign of convention that �Om� is not to be uttered at any inauspicious or unholy place. �Om� encompasses the ‘Brahman�. The significance of �Omkar� has been mentioned in the ‘Upanishadas’ and is accepted by even Jains and Buddhists.