Mumbai : Sanatan Sanstha’s spokesperson Shri. Abhay Vartak and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti’s national spokesperson Shri. Ramesh Shinde were recently felicitated on behalf of ‘Swa. Savarkar Rashtriya Smarak’ in the presence of Shri. Ranajit Savarkar, Chief Executive of the ‘Smarak’ and its Trustee Sou. Manjiri Marathe.
Discussions were held between Shri. Savarkar, Shri. Vartak and Shri. Shinde on various topics. It was felt that several organisations with ‘Hindutva’ ideology should be set up so that youth and society would be drawn to ‘Hindutva’ thoughts. Presently, there is distortion of education system on large scale. It is necessary to teach true history to students by bringing changes in present perverted history. Ideology promoted by Swa. Savarkar is most essential for welfare of people, in present times.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat