Paush Krushna Trayodashi
Bhuvaneshwar (Orissa): The pro-christianity Maoists had accepted the responsibility of the murder of Swami Lakshmananda Saraswati. In the past, the topic of religion used to be considered of seconadary importance amongst Maoists ; but the Maoist organisastion is now divided on the basis of religion and a new Naxalite group called ‘M2 ‘ has now become active for the defence of Hindus according to a news published in ‘Daily Loksatta’. (The Hindu Naxalites in the Maoist organisation could detect the hatred against Hinduism; but why do secular politicians not recognize this point? – Editor)
However this split in the organization is not substantiated by the police or the administration. Besides the Maoists have claimed that their organization is intact and indivisible. But the new organization called ‘M2’ has established its presence by successfully calling ‘Bandh’ on 3rd January in three districts of Orissa. This organization is backed by a tribal organization called’ Kuee Samaj Coordinating Committee’ form Kandhmal.
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat