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Remembering Shri Narain Kataria : An American Hindu Hero

Narain Kataria ji was the President of Indian American Intellectuals Forum, a New York-based organization.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Kataria ji

Kataria ji was an avid reader of the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti website. He would praise Hindu Janajagruti Samiti as one of the foremost selfless organizations in India, working for the Hindu cause. Often when a burning issue concerning Hindus in India would arise, Kataria ji would contact Hindu Janajagruti Samiti to discuss what can be done about it.

Forum for Hindu Awakening and Kataria ji

Forum for Hindu Awakening’s (FHA) sadhaks first met Kataria ji in March 2008, when they, along with Indian American Intellectuals Forum (IAIF) held a protest demonstration outside Christie’s art gallery in New York to protest an exhibition of M. F. Husain’s denigrating paintings. From the first meeting itself, Kataria ji came across as a lion among Hindu leaders. His enthusiasm for the Hindu cause even young people could not match. He was very experienced in working for the Hindu cause and we were new to it, yet he treated us with much respect, listening to our views and asking questions to learn more. He treated us to lunch after the protest, saying “You are guests in my town”.  
The relationship with Kataria ji grew over the years, as working for the Hindu cause often brought us together. At the 2009 and 2012 FHA Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (Hinduism Summits) in NJ, Kataria ji was the chief guest, who honored the Dharmasabha speakers. He had extended his complete support to the Summits. Our sadhaks attended several of the annual Hindu Unity Day functions held by Kataria ji, who would encourage the sadhaks to hold exhibitions of books and others materials on Dharma education at the function.

Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Forum for Hindu Awakening share the grief on the passing away of Kataria ji and pray for his Satgati (speedy progress/ascension in the afterlife to a higher region).

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