Let us all unit to establish ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !: Pramod Mutalik

Magh Krushna Navmi

The activists of Sriram Sena had beaten the girls dancing in a pub in Mangaluru in a disgraceful manner. Later Sriram Sena was severely criticized for that. Shri. Pramod Mutalik expressed his stand against the above incident by a thought – provoking speech which was greatly appreciated as it was concerned with Hindutva. The promoter of the opposition to pub culture and ‘Valentine Day’, Adv. Shri. Mutalik was interviewed by Shri. Chetan Rajhans  and Shri. Nagesh Gade  from Editorial Section of ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ on telephone. Strong and studious deliberation given by Adv. Shri. Mutalik at that time is being given here. 

How was the response from the society after the agitation against the pub culture?

It. was very good! We are getting telephone calls and S.M.S. from all over the country.  The reaction was that Sriram Sena has done the right thing. 

What was the reason to select this particular time to start the agiitation opposing pub culture?

The citizens had registered a complaint in the police station in Mangaluru informing about the vulgar things taking place in the pubs there. When the police did not take any action the people having trust in us requested us to do something about it to stop this cultural abuse. Whatever was happening in the pubs was unworthy; hence Sriram Sena had to start the agitation against it. 

What have you to comment on the way the media was presenting you as a villain continuously after the agitation? 

All the media publishing News in English are anti-Hindu. It was expected that publishing Houses like ‘Times of India, N.D.T.V., IBN, etc. and Foreign Companies would definitely appose the protection given to culture. Due to their anti-Hindu attitude the media all over the country showed me as a villain for the very minor incident. 

Is it a political stunt as some have commented upon?  

We are not inspired/motivated politically. Whatever agitation that took place was due to the complaints received from the citizens of Mangaluru; as they did not want that their daughters to get attracted towards pub culture. 

What would you like to tell to the section of the high class society in which pub culture is deep rooted and which calls your agitation as ‘Cultural terrorism’?

Those who oppose us by saying ‘Cultural terrorism’ have got big mafia gang behind them. The drug mafia and the sex mafia have suffered a loss of crores of rupees because of Sriram Sena’s agitation. The mafia from Mumbai, Goa and Mangaluru are inter- connected. Sex  Mafia in Mangaluruis leading the girls to immoral acts. A young girl from Mangaluru medical college committed suicide about 2 months back. She was pregnant and she was a drug addict. They are tarnishing our image because we tried to stop their acts opposing Hindu culture.

Has anyone harassed you?

Many of our local Heads at various places are getting threats. Government, police and mafia are trying to pressurize us; but we would not be scared. We shall continue our mission.

Since BJP is ruling in Karnataka is your agitation to protect culture more strong?

BJP Government is not helping us in any way. Even the Sangh Pariwar too is doing the same.

What could be the reason of Sangh Pariwar not helping you?

After accomplishing the mission of protecting the culture by opposing the pub culture, none of the members of the Sangh Pariwar said, “We would support you’; though we are insisting that we have nothing to do with Sangh Pariwar. In fact big Hindu Organisation like Sangh should have supported us as it does look good on their part when we are taking the responsibility. Even the people have resented this attitude of the Sangh Pariwar. Hence I feel that mental state of the senior leaders of the Sangh is moving in the wrong direction. They do not feel like encouraging or associating with the organizations working for Hindutva. On the contrary they feel that we are competing with them. We do not have any such feeling. They do not have large heart to accommodate other Hindutvawadi organizations or to understand their stand. Unfortunately they are narrow- minded.

Is the Karanataka Government taking any actions against pubs because of your agitation against pub culture? 

I think they are doing it. They are checking the NOC certificates by visiting the pubs at various places. They are also making inquiries regarding which girls go there. Whether they were taking drugs. It shows that our agitation has been successful.

It is said that Congress is supporting this mission of yours. What have you to say regarding that?

We are not getting any help from the Congress. They are also not associated with us in any way. It is false to say that it supports us. We shall never get associated with it. I feel now that BJP is also following the Congress. One has to investigate who is supporting whom out of the two parties? 50% of the MLAs in Katantaka Government were in Congress earlier. They are not aware of Sangh, VHP, Gomata, Hindutva. I feel very strongly that they have joined BJP only to increase political power. 

Which political Party would benefit by you or your agitation?

I have not contemplated upon this; but I feel that BJP would get somewhat benefit.

During the campaign regarding ‘Valentine Day’ you had met many representatives. What was their view point about it?

There is no positive response. One MLA, said “This agitation is proper; but I would not help the Sena as I am against their system”. Both BJP and Karanataka Governments have not responded so far. Congress is totally against our agitation.

Would Sriram Sena join politics after some time as organizations like Shivsena turning to politics?  

No. Sena would work as non government organization. I would like to state here that people have lost faith in Hindus in politics. Politics means disbelief, immorality and corruption. Hence we shall never join this field. 

BJP wants to start the ‘Ram’ issue again at the time of Parliamentary election. What do feel about it?  

Even if they start this politics of ‘Ram’ issue, they would not get support from the Hindus; as they have lost faith in them as they did not build Ram Mandir while in power. One feels sorry to say that when the Hindu society was alert about the said issue  BJP only took its benefit and did nothing else. Thus they insulted the Hindus’ faith in Dharma.

Are Hindu organizations voluntarily joining the agitation opposing ‘Valentine Day’?

VHP and Bajrang Dal have not shown any reaction regarding the agitation. Only Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) has shown its full support. So also some proud Hindus in various Districts have contacted us voluntarily. They wish to stop this cultural attack.

Which would be the next agitation by Sriram Sena?

Hindus should remember that the ‘Day’ culture is not our culture. Our Hindu society is following trends in Western culture like, ‘Rose Day’, “Jeen’s Day’, ‘Friendship Day’, ‘Tie Day’, ‘Black and White Day’, which is wrong. It is not wrong to love somebody; we see such bond between husband-wife or brother-sister. Love means pure emotion. There is no need to express it on a fixed day. This would be shameful pretence. This would only amount to infatuation. International anti-Hindu group wishes to break the family system. This is a conspiracy. They wish to disgrace ‘Matrudevo Bhava’ culture. Sriram Sena is fighting against it for the last 10 tears. We are intending to create awareness among Hindus regarding Western ‘Days.

Your Mission is spreading throughout the country. What would be its aim?   

Sriram Sena is spreading nationwide. There is a demand from 5 states to start the mission there. It is already going on in Delhi. Its branches would be opened in Kolkata, Bhopal, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh very soon as per their demand. The aims of Sriram Sena are fixed. 

  • The purpose of this nationwide agitation is to establish Hindu Rashtra which is the final goal.
  • To oppose cultural and Dharma related attacks like terrorism, conversion, Westernisation, Killing of cows would be our mission.
  • Campaigns to increase patriotism among youths. The main aim would be t create National feeling and Nationality among youths avoiding the differences between Province, Language and Castes. We need the blessings from Bharatmata and other Deities to fulfill such expansive thought. Your support is like a pillar for us. Let us all resolve to establish Hindu Rashtra at the earliest.

Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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