Thane (Maharashtra) : Store-house was raided by police from Sheel-Daighar police station at Mumbra after FIR was filed by Shri. Chetan Sharma, an activist, working for protection of cows. Skin of 50-60 cattle was confiscated from the store-house. A fanatic named Ashraf Qureshi was arrested in this connection and FIR was also filed. As per the information given by Qureshi, a complaint has been lodged even against Raju Lanka. Shri. Chetan Sharma had advised police and Dr. Zunjare about the proposed raid; therefore, they were present when the store-house was raided. Shri. Chetan Sharma had informed the police about the raid. Detail investigations are going on now.
Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat