Film: Dharala Tar Chavataya
Sat 22.7.2006 3.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on DD Sahyadri
The name of the producer and director etc. are not known.
The denigrative part in the film is as follows:
1. The actress Alka Kubal wants to abuse Laxmikant Berde( His name in the film is Mohan Gosavi) and uses the following words:
Neecha Halakat haramakhor Moraya gosavadya
2. Ashok Saraf has called Dilip Prabhavalkar in his house to show
him an idol of Krishna.Dilip Prabhavalkar sleeps before the idol to bow
before him.
3. Ashok Saraf repeatedly addresses Berde as Moraya.
DD Sahyadri
Phone no.(022)24908050