14 villages demands self-defence training after HJS’ Sabha

Falgun Krushna Panchami


 14 villages demands self-defence training after HJS’ Sabha

Chaitra Shuddha Saptami

Savda (District Jalgaon): There was a demand from 14 villages for starting self-defence training in Savda, District Jalgaon in the 1st meeting held on 15th March after the Dharmajagruti Sabha. 250 proud Hindus were present at the meeting that was held in Purnavad Temple there. 

Shri. Rajan Bunge, coordinator of Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) from Jalgaon, informed the people about the mission of the Samiti and the various campaigns undertaken by it. Shri. Vinay Panvalkar of Dharmashakti Sena while explaining the importance of self-defence class (varg) said that to enroll in the said class amounts to take up the responsibility of duty towards Dharma. This training in self-defence should not be restricted to one’s own self; but should be used in an appropriate manner for the whole society.


  • Pamphlets giving information of ‘Gudhipadva’ were distributed in various villages.

Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held successfully at Savda, 6500 Hindus present

March 17, 2009

Falgun Krushna Shashthi

Savda (Maharashtra): Anti-Hindus got scared when 16 thousand proud Hindus had attended the Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Jalgaon recently. Active Hindus got united due to said Sabha held in Jalgaon. The Sabha was instrumental in creating radiance of Hindutva in Jalgaon. Attandance of 6500 proud Hindus in the Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held on Poornavad playground behind Ganesh temple confirmed that they were ready and united to stop the invasion on Hindu Dharma. The sabha began at 5 pm.

inauguration of Dharmajagruti Sabha by lighting Samai by Dignitaries

inauguration of Dharmajagruti Sabha by lighting Samai by Dignitaries

In the beginning of the Sabha, Haribhaktaparayan Padmakar Maharaj Deshmukh lighted the auspicious lamp. Ved Mantras were recited by Vedmurti Shri. Shyamshastri Yawalkar Guruji  and his associates. Shri. Amey Mohite  and  Kum. Tejal Patrikar compered. Shri. Ashok Patrikar was felicitated by Haribhaktaparayan Padmakar Maharaj Deshmukh presenting shawl and coconut. Sabha ended with ‘Vande Mataram’.

Speeches of Dignitaries

Election candidates will kneel down before Muslims in order to secure Prime Minister’s post – H.B.P. Padmakar Maharaj Deshmukh

The world is captured by the radiance of Ramdevbaba. One can realize Hindus’ strength thereby. If one Hindu has so much strength then nobody would dare to cause any harm to Hindus. If Hindus become furious then they would be unconquerable. Since present leaders are kneeling down before the Muslims later they would do anything to get Prime Minister’s post.

Follow Dharma like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj ! – H.B.P. Dnyaneshvar Maharaj Patil

Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj offered Afzalkahan as goat is offered to Bhavani Devi; but the government is not taking Mahamad Afzal to gallows still. It does not rain here as cow and women are harassed in the country. Maharashtra is like Shivaji Maharaj’s gymnasium where Afzalkhan was killed. Shivaji Maharaj represented discipline, affection and determination. Hence one should follow Dharma like Him.

Need to have real Mawlas rather than idlers! – Shri. Ramesh Shinde, HJS

To organize Sabhas is not the only aim of Hindu Dharmajaruti Samiti; but to offer Dharmashikshan and create awareness. The agitation by Sriram Sena though proper is taken as very cruel and is compared to the terrorists’ attack of 26/11. When the candidates for Parliamentary election come to you for votes then please ask them,‘ Is it true that ‘Ram’ was not there as stated by the Central Government?’ and ‘If you would not believe in Ram then would you wipe out the words ‘He Ram’ on Gandhiji’s Samadhi?’ We need Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in Maharashtra where in Patardi District in Nagar District ‘sheets’ were offered in the interest of  Kasab. We need real ‘Mawlas’ for Dharmajagruti Mission rather than idlers.

Every action of a Hindu should depict ‘Hindutva’! – Shri. Abhay Vartak, Sanatan Sanstha

Hindus are following Western culture which is telecast, thinking it to be true leaving their own Dharma. Our culture is great. Try to understand the science behind it. Hindu men should put tilak on their forehead and women should have ‘Kumkum’ on their forehead, wear sarees, wear ornaments, celebrate festivals as per scriptures. Every action of a Hindu should depict Hindutva. They need not feel ashamed!

Self-Defence means protecting one’s own country and Dharma! – Shri. Vinay Panvalkar, Dharmashakti Sena

Hindus have forgotten their fighting spirit and terrorists have created so much pressure that Hindus suffer at their hands meekly and out of fear. The main reason behind this is that we have no confidence. Today Hindus need self protection. That means to protect their country and Dharma. Dharmashakti Sena is going to give this training only.

Saints attending the Sabha

• H.H. Purnanand Maharaj, Santpanth Acharya, Faizpur
• Haribhaktaparayan Santosh Maharaj Vaghodkar, Akil Bharatiya Warkari Mahamandal
• Haribhaktaparayan Subhash Maharaj
• Haribhaktaparayan Sachin Maharaj

There were many prominent invitees too at the Sabha.

 75 thousand people contacted during propoganda of Dharmasabha

March 15, 2009

Falgun Krushna Panchami

Savda (Maharashtra): Propaganda of Dharmjagruti Sabha to be held on 15th of this month, organized by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) has almost come to an end in Swada. More than 75 thousand Hindus have been contacted personally and the response from them is unique, said Shri. Rajan Bunge, coordinator of HJS in Jalgaon District, in the Journalist Conference. The conference was held in Purnavad Temple here and representatives of ‘Deshonnati’, ‘Devdut’, ‘Gavkari’ and ‘Lokshahi’ news papers were present there.

Shri. Vinay Panvalkar, Head of Dharmashakti Sena introduced the mission of the Samiti and told the purpose of the meeting. Shri. Abhay Vartak of Sanatan Sanstha made the journalists aware about the distorted History taught to students, published by N.C.E.R.T. and the agitation undertaken by the Samiti in that regard. In fact HJS has been busy in Sawda for just one and a half month; yet the response from respectable people in the community, social workers, shop keepers, different groups celebrating Navratrotsav and Ganesh Chaturthi, journalists and proud Hindus was tremendous.

HJS is our mother and we are her children: Shirsoli Youth

March 15, 2009

Falgun Krushna Panchami

Shirsoli (Maharashtra): Youth from Shirsoli expressed their feelings about Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) that the activities undertaken by it for uniting Hindus is the beginning of dissolution of casteism. Dharma is superior to caste. They said, “HJS is our mother and we are her children.” (The faith shown by people towards a small organization like HJS is an acknowledgement by them of its activities for protection of Dharma) Members of HJS are visiting every nook and corner of rural areas to advertise about Hindu Dharma-jagruti Sabha to be held on 15th March at Savda. The local youth were expressing their views to the HJS members.

People belonging to 4 main castes in Shirsoli viz. Bari, Patil, Mali and Dhanagar were not getting along with each other and had some issues on which there was difference of opinion among them. But the photo-exhibition organized by HJS in association with FACT made them realize their differences which they found to be the major obstacle in bringing them together. The youth from all these castes decided to unite and work together (Many so called secular parties including Congress accuse HJS as an organization of extremists; but the above mentioned incident will make them understand that HJS is working for bringing people together) The youth work as daily wages; still they used to discuss about the expenses required to be made for the exhibition and used to collect whatever they could. There are many youth members like S/Shri. Shivadas Mali, Shivaji Dhanagar, Nitin Bari, Ganesh Bari and many other who are impressed with HJS activities and help in ‘Dharma-prasar’ in whatever way they can. 

‘Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha’ organized at Savda

March 5, 2009

Falgun Shuddha Navami

Jalgaon (Maharashtra): More than 16000 Hindus attended the ‘Hindu Dharma-jagruti Sabha’ held on 14th December 2008 at Jalgaon. Now on demand of Hindus from rural parts, such sabha has been organized at Savda, Dist. Jalgaon, informed Shri. Rajan Bunage, coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS). He was speaking in the press conference held at ‘Purnavad Ganesh’ temple in Savda. All media representatives assured to extend cooperation for the sabha besides, it has been agreed to show live telecast of the same. Shri. Joglekar of Dharma-shakti Sena also attended the press conference.

Shri. Bunge said, “113 ‘Dharma-sabhas’ have been, so far, held in Maharashtra and other States. The response received from Hindus to these sabhas was phenomenal. The objective of holding such sabhas is also to oppose attacks carried out on Hindu Dharma in various forms, to create awareness among Hindus towards observance of different rites and rituals as prescribed in Dharma, to educate them in matters related to Dharma and unite Hindus.”

Shri. Bunge also informed that various activities with the aim of welfare of Hindus have been undertaken by HJS like educating people on ideal way of celebrating Sree Ganesha festival, oppose undue glorification of Mughals through NCERT text books, oppose project started by Maharashtra Andh-shraddha Nirmulan Samiti on awareness of Science, to agitate against the decision of NDTV to confer an award on anti-Hindu artist M F Husain etc.

Also See

  1. Know about Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha
  2. Hindu Genocide in Kashmir & Bangladesh

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