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When will the Muslims learn to be wise?

Religious terrorism of the Muslims!
Prof. Toyneby stated that though the tendency to destroy the devotional centers of the defeated religion exists in some degree in all the religions, this tendency is the strongest in the Muslim religion. It is almost non existent in the Hindu Religion. That is why the Hindus did not rebuild temples in the places where the Muslims, had ravaged and destroyed Hindu temples to build masjids. As against this in 1815 when Russia annexed Poland, it built a huge cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Christian Sect in the main square of its Capital city ‘Morshey’. Almost 100 % of the population of Poland is of the Roman Catholic faith. From their point of view building of a Cathedral of the Orthodox Christian sect in Morshey was a great insult. So when Poland became independent in 1918 the Polish people razed the cathedral and built a Roman Catholic Church in its place. As against this, in India the Muslims destroyed the temples in the holiest of its sacred towns of Ayodhya, Kashi and Mathura and built mosques on the sites of these temples. Today India is independent; but not one mosque has been destroyed. No other religion has shown such religious tolerance as the Hindus.
Though Pt. Nehru was disturbed by the statement of Prof. Toyneby, as it made by the professor in accordance to history and who was worldwide accepted as a bold intellectual, P. Nehru did not dare say anything on it.

Muslims fostering the hatred feeling towards other religions!
Taking example of famous historian Whilde Durand and the Muslim Historian Al Barauni, Pakistan’s Scholar Mr. Irfan Hussain in his article the in the Karachi newspaper ‘The Dawn’ heading titled �When will we learn wisdom? has made a comment that when it comes to the matter of Human Rights, the Muslims attitude is double standard. The reason behind this is that we are intolerant people. We are not in the habit of tolerating difference of opinion. In the Muslim community speaking of the tenets of other religions is forbidden. Pakistanis approve of preaching or propagating Islam in foreign countries; but giving the same liberty to the foreigners in Pakistan is not deemed appropriate by them. This is hypocritical or double standard�. The paper �the Dawn� was started by Kaide Azam Jinnah. And had two editions one from Delhi and the other from Karachi. After the partition in 1947 the Delhi edition was stopped; but the Karachi edition has a very strong circulation and is renowned world wide.

The Exquisite Temples of India, the victims of the Muslim perversion!
Irfan Hussain has given a reference of the Arab Historian Al Barauni. Al Barauni had come to India with Muhmud Gazani; who invaded India 10 times. He said ‘in the centre of Mathura there was a huge temple of Krishna. The beauty of the temple was beyond words. It would not have been possible to depict beauty of the temple by drawing a picture. It must have taken at least 200 years to build the temple. There were 5 gold idols of 5 yards height. Their eyes were embedded with valuable jewels. The Sultan ordered the burning and razing to ground the remnants of the temple and the order was executed! In his book ‘the story of Civilizations’ Whilde Durand, said �not one temple was left intact in the towns of Varanasi, Mathura, Ujjain, Maheshwar, Jwalamukhi and Dwarka’. This destruction would be comparable with the destruction that could have happened if an army had ravaged and destroyed the buildings of Paris, Rome, Florence and Oxford. This was not the disposition of Anarchy but out of hatred towards civilized and decent society. The bloodiest chapter of History happened in India!’ Giving these references Irfan Hussain Says, ‘Each era has different values. The values of the modern world and the values observed by the Muslim community and countries are exactly the opposite. If the Muslim does not adjust with the practices and usages of the world then the Muslim community will forever remain backward.’

Muslims remained backward in the field of education and industry!
Explaining this point Irfan Hussain says,� although 22% of the world population is Muslim; but their contribution is only 5% to the GDP.’ Another Muslim Scholar Dr. Faroukh Salman has written in the Pakistan Daily �Jung� that ‘If we combine the annual income of the 57 Islamic States, it is only $1 trillion Dollars. In comparison America’s income is $10.4 trillion, China’s income is $5.7trillion, Japan’s $ 3.5 trillion and Germany�s $2.1trillion. If we take the buying capacity measure than the annual Indian Income is $ 3 trillion more. In 57 Muslim countries there are 600 Universities. While In India there are 8140 Universities and in America there are 5758 students. In the last 105 years out of 140 crore Muslims only 8 Muslims have won the Nobel Prize. On the contrary out of 1 crore 40 lakh Jews 167 Jews have won Nobel prizes. It would not be proper for Muslims to blame others for this backwardness. The Muslims did not change their lifestyle as per the times and hence they have deteriorated!’

The summary made in all these articles is that the Muslims should discard intolerance towards other religions and discard the devilish tendency of destroying the good things in other religions and cultures. They should learn what is good from others.
If the Muslims in India can accept the ideas of the Muslim intellectual from Pakistan, then there will be no cause for Hindu � Muslim conflict!

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