For the recent heavy rain & subsequent flood calamity in Tamil Nadu Hindu Illaingar Ezhuchi Peravai हिंदू इलयंगार एळूची पेरवई (Hindu Youth Awakening Federation) came forward to extend their helping hand to the flood victims at Cuddalore district. Shri. Pala Santhoshkumar, (President, Hindu Illaingar Ezhuchi Peravai), Shri. Sathish along with other dharmabhimanis collected the day-today required household materials, basic medicines for flood victims. The first truck left for Cuddalore from Tanjavur on 8th December. Shri. Kashinath Shetti of HJS waved off the flag for first truck load relief material.
HJS flags off first truck load of relief material collected by Hindu Illaingar Ezhuchi Peravai
Tags : Hindu Organisations