The Hindu Munnani has urged the district administration to prevent poojas at temples on the intervening night of New Year and also impose a ban on revelries.
In a petition to Collector Archana Patnaik yesterday, it sought to ban New Year celebrations in hotels, resorts and public places and also conduct of ‘special poojas’ and musical ‘hungama’ in temples.
Munnaani district president K Dasharathan said the New Year celebrations were part of Western culture and against the cultural and traditional values of Tamils.
The younger generation, in the name of celebrations, were engaged in liquor consuming, creating public nuisance and also causing accidents by their reckless driving past midnight, he claimed.
‘Follow the Agamas Tradition, not the Western’
On Monday, Hindu Munnani presented a petition to the Coimbatore district administration to stop keeping temples open at midnight on New Year’s eve. Led by K. Dasarathan, the petitioners said that in those Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department-run temples that follow Agamas, no New Year eve special prayers should be allowed at midnight as those were against customs and traditions.
The administration should, therefore, ban such prayers.
It should also ask the police to act against those New Year revelers who make inconvenience public under the influence of alcohol.
It should also ban obscene parties in hotels, the petitioners added.
‘Churches do not celebrate any Hindu Festival. Why Christian Celebration in Temple?’
Talking to HENB, Sri Dasarathan stressed that New years eve and Christmas celebrations are Christan festivals. The belong to Semitic faith. They do not honor Hinduism and don’t allow Hindu festivals in Churches. But, some rackets prompted by them are very much active in the Temple Trust to run midnight venture demeaning the Hindu scriptures and Agamas. Without Agama sanction and parameters all these untimely grandeur in the temple premises are disturbing to the adorning deities in respective temples.
‘Sometimes, the temples are decorated with cross signs and they distribute Bible in the temples. We must stop it’, said Dasarathan.
Source : Hindu Existence