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Hindus, shut down ‘Fuck Hinduism’ group on Facebook!

Vaishakh Shuddha Trutiya

A HAF member saw a group on Facebook, named ‘Fuck Hinduism’ group. All Hindus should protest against it & we should force facebook to shut down that group.

Namaste Hindus,

On Wednesday, I logged into my Facebook account to check in with the HAF Facebook group.  Imagine my utter disgust when I log in and notice that there is a Facebook group called "Fuck Hinduism"!  According to this self-proclaimed secular group:
"We are interested in the truth. We are here to help Hindus leave their abusive false religion, not hinder them or oppose them. They are humans, with all the frailties and inclinations we all suffer through. This is not a group against Hindus, do not be dissuaded by the title. There is a difference between men and their religions, between women and their myths. This group focuses on the truth of Hinduism, not on its many bad effects. That being said, religion does cause great harm to humanity and it simply stands in the way of getting at the truth at its best."
HAF has now started a concerted campaign requesting Facebook to remove this insulting group from the site.  HAF believes this inflammatory language to be hate speech and has reported the group to Facebook through the site’s reporting mechanism.  Additionally, I have asked all members of the HAF Facebook group to report this group and request its removal. The HAF team has individually been reaching out to our personal networks, requesting friends and family to report this site.  Thanks to all those who have helped us to date. 
If you are a Facebook member:
1. Join the HAF Facebook Group (if you haven’t already)
2. Report the "Fuck Hinduism" group by scrolling to the bottom of the group’s page and clicking on "Report Group" at the bottom left corner. 
The more people reporting the group, the higher the chances it will be taken down immediately!  HAF will continue to monitor the existence of this group and will take further action if and when necessary.

Sheetal Shah
Director of Development
Hindu American Foundation

Also See

  1. Protest against defamation of Hindu Deities & Icons
  2. Protest against anti-HIndu painter Hussain

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