Misguiding information about Hinduism on the internet by Christian

Some of the misleading information on the website is as follows:

* True conversion is the change of one’s religious viewpoint after being convinced of the Truth. This is a fundamental right of any individual, and this right should never be curbed. However, coercion or deception to change of one’s religious viewpoint is wrong. Conversion is the voluntary change of ones religion and Article 25 of India’s constitution preserves the right of any individual to freely profess, practice and propagate ones faith.

* The major world religions today are Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism. Amongst these only Jesus Christ shows a clear path for Salvation and certain Christian truths found in the other religions have been syncretised from Christ and the Bible.

* In the dark ages following the collapse of Harsha’s kingdom (7th c AD), the history of India was twisted and deceptively portrayed by mainly the Brahmins, with the intention of self elevation, preservation and oppression. Certainly even though every Brahmin may not be individually involved, the general Brahmin community reaction has been one of indifference to the deception, manipulation and oppression.

* The recent discovery of the Indus Valley civilization in 1920, which pre-dated the earliest archaeological sources, has caused scholars to re-examine their views on the different phases of Indian culture. However, certain communal forces who operate by deception have hindered these efforts.
 In India, communal forces like the VHP portray Christianity as a foreign religion, but the origin and development of Sanskrit is clear infallible proof that Mahayana Buddhism and Hinduism developed under the influence of Christianity.

* Satan has many voices to blind the hearts of mankind against the gospel. He deceives men and women in these religions with a lie that their religion is very ancient and is the mother of all religions. Religious organizations like the VHP raise massive funds at home and abroad under the guise of charity, but use it to promote violence, communal hatred and historical deception. They have started to preach that "Conversion is violence on Hindus and Hinduism" and it is such teaching that has given rise to the recent increase of persecution on Christians.

* Manu Dharma is the taproot of Racism in the world society. Racism arose in the world society as a well-developed theory only in the 19th century, even though it has been prevalent in India from about the 8th century. Racism in the world society was birthed when Manu Dharma or the Laws of Manu devised by the Brahmins was translated into English. Racism is destructive to the world society and it is the responsibility of every Christian to be a salt against this poison.Communal harmony is the essence of every society, though without Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, there can be no peace. However, the Bible is very clear as to the responsibility of Christians to stand in the gap for their nation.

(Hindu Dharma is attacked on all the fronts. Even internet is used a medium for this. It is the duty of every Hindu to awaken other Hindus about the various assaults on Hindu Dharma and oppose such spreading of misinformation. Editor)

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