Jyeshtha Krushna Pratipada
Press Release
Northern Nevada (USA) held its third annual interfaith community picnic in Reno on June seven with prayers in Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, and English.
Christians (various denominations), Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Religious Science, Wicca, and others gathered in famous Rancho San Rafael Park, shared picnic tables, discussed similarities in their different faith traditions while eating each other’s food. Respecting each other’s tradition, no pork, alcohol, beef, or shellfish was allowed in the picnic.
Religious leaders who participated included Methodist Pastor John J. Auer, Rabbi Myra Soifer, Imam Abdul Rahim Barghouthi, Hindu leader Rajan Zed, Episcopal Priest Laurie Chappelle, Sierra Foundation activists, etc.
Rajan Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, and who recited the Sanskrit prayer at the beginning of the picnic, remarked: In our shared pursuit for the truth, we can learn from one another and thus can arrive nearer to the truth.