Political promotion of global Islamic terrorism-III

Indira Gandhi created the mountain of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale in the Punjab for
her political purposes in the late 1970s. Likewise the US created the monster of Osama
Bin Laden to fight against Russian Communism in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The chief
architect of global Islamic terrorism after 1980 has been US Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA). As B Raman sums up the position: ‘Islamic terrorism in India is a by- product of the US-inspired and orchestrated jehad of the 1980s against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. To make the Soviet troops bleed, the USA’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) encouraged
Islamic fanaticism and incited unemployed Muslim youth all over the world to go to
Afghanistan to carry on a jehad against Communism. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence

(ISI) was entrusted by the CIA with the task of religiously-motivating, training and arming the jehadi mercenaries from different countries and sending them into Afghanistan for fighting against the Soviet troops.’

Right from the beginning, the CIA was fully aware of the fact that ISI of Pakistan was
diverting part of the funds and arms and ammunition received by it from the US, Saudi
Arabia and other countries for use against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, to India to
instigate a jehad in our country. It did not stop it; nor did it alert the Government of India about it. At any rate Rajiv Gandhi and his Government were in a self-chosen state of
pseudo secular Islam embracing coma. So was Narasimha Rao: so were all the Prime
Ministers till Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Now the coma of Dr.Manmohan Singh and his UPA
Government has become irretrievable and unbearable.

Lt.Gen. (retd.) Hamid Gul was the Director-General of the ISI in the late 1980s. He
was very proud of asserting that keeping the Indian security forces bleeding with the help
of the jehadis was equivalent to the Pakistan Army having an extra division at no cost to the Pakistani exchequer. President Gen.Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, who was then an army officer and other officers of the Pakistani military-intelligence establishment shared this trans-Islamic belief of planned destruction of India through terrorism which has become the Hydra-Headed Monster today.

Israel sent several warning signals to the Government of India in the early 1990s
about the subterranean postures and machinations of Muslim terrorist groups in South India. The Israeli agencies picked up a Palestinian student studying in South India who had been sent to the occupied territories to organise acts of terrorism. His interrogation revealed the dangerous presence in South India, particularly in Tamil Nadu, of Islamic extremist cells enjoying the support of the locals. The Israeli warnings were rejected as
uncorroborated by the local Police and intelligence set-up. It is not surprising because all Dravidian parties after 1967 have treated only the Hindus as suspects. Within two weeks after it was sworn in, Tamil Nadu’s DMK government ordered that cases be dropped against 12 Muslim fundamentalists, all followers of Kichaan Buhari, an Al Umma sympathizer and key accused in the Coimbatore serial blasts. Cases were registered against the 12 in 2000 and 2001 under IPC Sections 153 A (promoting enmity or hatred between different religious communities) and 120 B (criminal conspiracy). The six cases,relating to desecration of idols of Hindu deities in villages surrounding Melapalayam near
Tirunelveli, were at the trial stage in the district court when the GO (MS No. 431 dated
May 27, 2006) was issued by the state Home department, ordering the Tirunelveli district
collector to drop the cases. The accused, initially detained under the National Security Act, had obtained bail. Very senior police-officers are shocked by what they term the DMK government’s ‘blatant sympathy’ for the Muslim fundamentalists.

Taking advantage of Government of India’s lack of seriousness in dealing with the
emergence of extremism among several sections of the Muslim youth, the ISI and the
various Islamic fundamentalist parties of Pakistan, are being used by the ISI for its
operations against India. ISI has succeeded in creating a jehadi network in J&K and other
parts of India. The ISI’s primary objective is the annexation of J&K with the help of the
strategically planted trained terrorists. Their secondary objective is to keep on extending their terrorist network so as to keep the Indian security forces bleeding and preoccupied with internal security duties in different parts of India.

Since 1992-93, the ISI has also been using the Kashmiri as well as Pakistani
organisations in J&K to train the cadres of the Students’ Islamic Movement of India and
disgruntled Muslim youth from South India in their camps in J&K so that they did not have
to go to Pakistan for training. Imam Ali, of Al Ummah of Tamil Nadu, who was killed in an
encounter in Bangalore on Sept.28, 2002, was thus among the non-Kashmiri Indian Muslims trained in J&K. The ISI, which has close linkages with the Bangladesh military-
intelligence establishment, also used the latter for training the non-Kashmiri Muslims.

Our surrogate Prime Minister and his especially Sonia-chosen National Security
Adviser will keep on announcing with undying enthusiasm over the mass media with
disgraceful pseudo-secular voise: ‘Government of India’s peace talks with President Musharraf?? a great apostle of peace and non-violence?? will continue unabated unto eternity despite benevolent acts of compassionate Islamic terrorism in all parts of India’. It is indeed sacrilegious to doubt the honourable intentions of President Musharraf of

The number of Muslims ? mostly youth? outside J&K, who have taken to anti-national
activities and terrorism is still small, but their number is steadily increasing. B.Raman
brilliantly sums up: ‘The task is rendered difficult by the presence in our midst of an
increasing number of pan-Islamic Pakistani terrorists and by the assistance received by
this hydra-headed monster from the ISI?either directly or through Nepal, Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates or other third countries. The blood vessels of this monster originate from Pakistan. Unless those roots are destroyed, we will never be able to crush Islamic terrorism in India’.

Amidst this encircling UPA gloom, I am thrilled to find from the website
http://yeshuaconnection.com/israel.htm that an outstanding Israeli journalist Ben Caspit
has proposed the draft text for a speech by the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that
categorically explains to the world what they are fighting for. Let us hear the heroic words of the Israeli Prime Minister:

‘Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of the world. I, the Prime Minister of Israel, am
speaking to you from Jerusalem in the face of the terrible pictures from Kfar Kana. Any
human heart, wherever it is, must sicken and recoil at the sight of such pictures. There are no words of comfort that can mitigate the enormity of this tragedy. Still, I am looking you straight in the eye and telling you that the State of Israel will continue its military campaign in Lebanon’.

‘We do not dance on the roofs at the sight of the bodies of our enemy’s children ?? we
express genuine sorrow and regret. That is the monstrous behaviour of our enemies. Now
they have risen up against us. Tomorrow they will rise up against you. You are already
familiar with the murderous taste of this terror. And you will taste more. In a loud and clear voice’.

‘The Israel Defense Forces will continue to attack targets from which missiles and
Katyusha rockets are fired at hospitals, old age homes and kindergartens in Israel. I have
instructed the security forces and the IDF to continue to hunt for the Katyusha stockpiles and launch sites from which these savages are bombarding the State of Israel. We will not hesitate, we will not apologize and we will not back off If they continue to launch missiles into Israel from Kfar Kana, we will continue to bomb Kfar Kana. Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Here, there and everywhere… Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time you understood: the Jewish state will no longer be trampled upon. We will no longer allow anyone to exploit population centers in order to bomb our citizens. No one will be able to
hide anymore behind women and children in order to kill our women and children. This
anarchy is over. You can condemn us, you can boycott us, you can stop visiting us and, if
necessary, we will stop visiting you’.

‘In a loud clear voice, looking you straight in the eye, I stand before you openly and I
will not apologize. I will not capitulate. I will not whine. This is a battle for our freedom. For our humanity. For the right to lead normal lives within our recognized, legitimate borders. It is also your battle. I pray and I believe that now you will understand that. Because if you
don’t, you may regret it later, when it’s too late’.

When are we going to be fortunate enough to hear such bracing words from our national leaders? When are we going to get tall leaders with courage, judgement, integrity
and vision? Right from the days of cowardly and effeminate Nehru to the days of a petrified adolescent like Rajiv Gandhi, and the latter day wily and silent Narasimha Rao, no Prime Minister, with the spectacular exception of Indira Gandhi, was ever capable of giving a speech like the above imagined speech of the present Israeli Prime Minister. And very sadly it is an irrefutable fact that Dr. Manmohan Singh is just not capable of defending our
motherland against the organised forces of global Islamic terrorism engulfing our country. The Congress party is capable of only producing chosen family heirlooms, flatterers, sycophants, pageboys, conspirators, office-seekers, bawling and blowing officeholders, spies, bribers and bribe-takers, compromisers, pseudo-secular cowards, deaf and dumb, crawling and serpentine non-men?? born freedom-sellers of our NATION.

(The writer is a retired IAS officer)


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