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Nagpur: Restriction on entry of Ganesha Idols made up of Plaster of Paris

Shravan Krushna Chaturthi, 5111

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Nagpur (Maharashtra): Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has decided to ban entry of Sree Ganesha idols made of PoP in the city. (NMC’s commendable decision ! The decision should have been taken a long back by NMC ruled by BJP! – Editor SP) This will result in detaining about a lakh of PoP idols at the entrance of the city.

Every year, more than a lakh of idols of Sree Ganesha made of PoP are brought to Nagpur city. These idols do not immediately dissolve in water and can block the flow of water besides causing skin ailment and digestion problems due to the chemicals colours getting mixed in the water. The water pollution can also pose danger to the water animals and amphibians. ‘Plaster of Paris Murti Virodhi Kruti Samiti (The Committee)’ had, therefore, made a demand with NMC for banning entry of Sree Ganesha idols made of PoP, in the city. (Why should there be a need to demand such things? Why does the BJP administration not feel on its own to do something in this regard? – Editor)  

The Committee tried to create awareness towards the above problem through different types of campaigns undertaken since the last year. (The Committee tried through out the year to prevent pollution; whereas anti-Hindu hypocrite Andha-shraddha Nirmulan Samiti members do not take any action through out the year and as Ganesha festival approaches, start appealing to people to donate the idols as a solution to avoid pollution! – Editor SP)

Dr. Ganaveer, the Health Officer of NMC had called members of the Committee to inform them about the decision of NMC.

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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