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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Katraj, Pune

ISIS is on our hit-list ! – Paras Rajput

Pune : In a map published by ISIS, India has been named as ‘Khorasan’; but these terrorists have forgotten that even Alexander, who had conquered the whole world, was defeated in Bharat. This land is of brave warriors and not of impotent. If India is on the hit-list of ISIS, they should also note that they too are on our hit-list. We shall show them our power; but will never allow Islamic rule on this land, was a strong warning given by Shri. Paras Rajput, the Editor of website ‘India Against Islamic State (IAIS)’. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) had organized Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (sabha) on the ground of late Hanumant Thorave School on 31st December. ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav of Sanatan Sanstha and Shri. Abhijit Deshmukh of HJS also addressed the ‘sabha’ which was attended by more than 3500 devout Hindus.  

The ‘sabha’ was started with blowing of conch by Shri. Vijay Chaudhary of HJS, followed with lighting of lamp by ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav. ‘Vedamurty’ Shri. Krushna Kulkarni, Shri. Ankit Joshi and Shri. Ajinkya Muley recited ‘Veda-mantras’. Shri. Vishal Tavare, a devout Hindu from Rajgurunagar felicitated ‘Vedamurtys’. Shri. Arvind Desai, a well-wisher of Sanatan and an active devout Hindu welcomed ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav. Shri. Paras Rajput was welcomed by advocate Shri. Rajeev Deshpande and Shri. Abuijit Deshmukh was welcomed by Shri. Nitin Dhamale. Sanatan’s Saints ‘Pujya’ (Smt.) Nirmala Date and ‘Pujya’ Ramesh Gadkari also graced the ‘sabha’ with their presence. Shri. Ramchandra Jadhav of ‘Ichhapoorti’ Ganesh Mandir was felicitated at the hands of Shri. Paras Rajput, on this occasion.

Statements made by Shri. Paras Rajput generating intense patriotism and love and respect towards Dharma

1. Pro-Hindu organizations and Hindus are branded as terrorists since last few years. Hindus are not terrorists; but if ever we become terrorists, nobody would be able to beat us in terror.

2. Reasons like demolition of Babri mosque, injustice done to Muslims are the excuses given for educated Muslim youth joining ISIS; but these are not the real reasons. The real reason is Muslims are taught ‘aayaat’ from Quran; however, neither the present mass media nor the politicians have guts to tell this truth.

3. If 5 lakh terrorists of ISIS attack India, we 50 lakh Hindus will retaliate. If they are 50 lakhs, we will gather 5 crores against them !

4. ISIS has been involved in killing of innocent people; gang raping women; sale of women etc. In such situation, we need to be alert and vigilant and perform our duty towards the nation. Leaving everything to armed forces or police wouldn’t do because there were armed forces and police even when Hindus were massacred in Kashmir and Bangladesh. We should therefore, join hands with Indian armed forces and perform our moral duty.      

5. Facing problems while carrying out duties towards Dharma show that we are on right path. Fighting against ISIS is like supporting humanity and working for welfare of the world.

6. Jihadi activities are instigated through mosques and madarasas in this country. ISIS flags are waved in Kashmir and even slogans are raised in support of Pakistan. Till such mosques and madarasas exist in India, India cannot be a ‘Clean Bharat’. The Central Government has announced ‘Clean Bharat’ movement; but for clean India, such mosques and madarasas will have to be first cleaned.

7. In the year 2004, soon after joint Progressive Front coalition Government came in power, it quashed the Act, POTA against terrorism. BJP made lot of noise against it at that time as an opposition party. Now, BJP has absolute majority; even then, why is it not bringing in Acts like POTA ? India needs Acts like POTA to take stringent action against terrorism.

8. Fanatic Muslims visit Syria and Iraq in the name of Haj making fake passports; get trained in terrorism and come back to India. There are more than 300 sleeper cell of such people in India.

9. We claim to be descendants of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He has taught us to be brave and follow ‘tit for tat’ policy; therefore, let it be ‘Lashkar-e-Tayba’ or ‘Al-Kayda’, we will give apt reply to them !

Pray to God for Hindu Rashtra ! – Paras Rajput

‘Paratpar Guru’ Dr. Jayant Athavale has said that Hindu Rashtra would be established by 2023. The blot of secularism should be wiped out from the name of our country and we should sacrifice our body, mind and wealth; so also increase spiritual strength. Henceforth, before praying to God for our personal wishes, pray for Bharat to be a Hindu Rashtra. God will certainly listen to prayers of billions of Hindus and with our united efforts, Hindu Rashtra will be established on this Earth in 2023.   

Spontaneous response by devout Hindus to questions asked by Paras Rajput !

1. A person gets punished when he kills a deer; but those killing cows are let loose. Are we going to change this situation ? (All Hindus replied in affirmative.)

2. Are you ready to eliminate terrorists and even sacrifice your life in case of need ? (All participants spontaneously said ‘yes, they were ready’)  

Views by other dignitaries

Hissing by fake secularists wouldn’t eliminate Sanatan Sanstha ! – ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav, Sanatan Sanstha

Sanatan Dharma could not be eliminated despite oppression by devils like Ravana, Kansa and Yavana; so is it possible for the fake secularists to eliminate Sanatan Dharma ? Sanatan Sanstha is not guilty, it is without any blemish and true, like Sanatan Dharma. Sanatan is accused of giving training on terrorism. Had it been so, Sanatan would not have published hundreds of books imparting Dharmashikshan; thousands of its seekers wouldn’t have served nation and Dharma so selflessly; nor its seekers would have attained Sainthood. The power of spiritual practice of seekers and experiences of God’s existence cannot be taken away by anyone even if ban is imposed on Sanatan.

No looking back till establishment of Hindu Rashtra ! – Abhijit Deshmukh, HJS

The fire lit during elections of 2014, is cooling down now; but we have to keep this fire kindled till Hindu Rashtra is established. Now, there wouldn’t be looking back till establishment of Hindu Rashtra; even if it means fighting with iron because we know how to melt iron, make sword out of it and use it too. A fraction of a second was sufficient for Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj to pull out guts of Afzal Khan and he founded the base of Hindvi Swaraj. Fighitng war or struggle is necessary for gaining victory. Sanatan Sanstha and HJS are undergoing this struggle which means that establishment of Hindu Rashtra is not far away.

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