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Appeal to withdraw the “Gamaya Legend” video game from the market

Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA) recently came across a newly launched video game “Gamaya Legend” based on the epic – The Ramayana


The revered Hindu’s Deities , Shri Ram and Deity Hanuman have been used as characters in this video game which is highly objectionable to Hindu’s throughout the world.

We at Forum for Hindu Awakening immediately appealed to Gamaya Inc requesting them to withdraw this video game from the market. In the appeal letter, FHA explained that making a video game with characters based on Shri Ram and Deity Hanuman trivializes them also sets wrong example for children and they will be deprived from knowing the importance and significance of Hindu Deities.

The FHA team has not received any response from Gamaya Inc. Consequently FHA now requests all readers to appeal against this denigration peacefully and lawfully by writing an email on the below address requesting them to withdraw the game from the market and stop the production of such video games in the future

Email: [email protected]


Please see below the appeal letter written by Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA):
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 15:18:28 -0500
From: Hindu Awakening <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Shri Narayanan Vaidyanathan
The President, CEO and Director
Gamaya Inc.

We are writing this appeal letter to notify you regarding denigration and incorrect presentation of highly revered Hindu Deities in the video game “Gamaya Legend” based on the epic – The Ramayana (Reference: )
Although this video game is intended for children; it would not help create faith and reverence for the Deities due to the way it has been presented in the game. Based on the trailer of the game, following are some of the aspects that are denigration or incorrect presentation of the Deities

  1. The Deities are referred to as characters with name of Rama, Hanuman instead of calling them Shri Ram and Shri Hanuman.
  2. Making a video game of Deities trivializes the Deities. The fact that one can control or manoeuvre a Deity itself is incorrect.
  3. Shri Hanuman is shown in a denigrating manner of rapidly revolving around Himself to show His powers.
  4. The features of Deities, the ornaments, the weapons, etc. are portrayed in ashastriya way (not as per the scriptures).
  5. In the content of the video game packs which is available on the website, the Deities Shri Ram, Shri Hanuman is mentioned as Rama toy and Hanuman toy. As per Hinduism, Deities are eternal principles that carry out different functions in the universe. Hindus treat their religious symbols, Deities with utmost respect. Deities are adorned on the altar to worship and offer prayers. Therefore using these Deities as toys in a video game is denigration of Hindu Deities and Hinduism and hurting the feelings of millions of Hindus across the world.

At the spiritual level, due to the form of the Deity not depicted according to its Hindu scriptural description, it does not benefit spiritually and leads to denigration.

In the minds of the children, a fictional, trivial image of the Deities will form over a period of time and hence, it will obstruct the development of their faith in the Deities, which is most important in worshiping Deities and experiencing their presence and blessings.Though you have designed this video game with the intention to restore the Ramayana by putting Hindu Deities to increase sales but actually it is denigration.

Just as the image of water comes to mind when we think about water, that is, just as the form and energy of an object go together, so also, it is with the Deities. Since the attributes of name, odor, taste, form, touch and sound associated with a Deity go together with its energy, a trivialized image of a Deity will release unpleasant vibrations.

Forum for Hindu Awakening is a non-profit organization that strives to awaken society to the unique spiritual science underlying Hindu Dharma concepts and practices, to motivate people to live and preserve them, and to facilitate the spiritual progress of humanity. One of the ways we do this is by addressing misrepresentations of Hinduism. For further details please refer at website

In view of above we request you to remove all the trailers, advertisements, etc. withdraw the game from the market and ensure that the production of such video games in the future does not occur. Awaiting your prompt action and reply.

Yours sincerely,
Forum of Hindu Awakening

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