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Awareness needs to be created about Govt taking over management of temples and mutts : Ramesh Shinde

Saints’ convention organized at Khorat (Dist. Jagatsingpur) in Odisha State

Shri. Ramesh Shinde addressing Saints’ convention

Rourkela : Privatization policy is adopted by the Government in every field but what must be its motive to take over management of temples and mutts ? We have to understand and make efforts, with unity, for protection of mutts-temples, stated Shri. Ramesh Shinde, national spokesperson of HJS while addressing convention of Saints held at Akhand-ManiMandaleshwar temple at Khorat, Jagatsinghpur district on 29th January. More than 40 Saints and Mahants attended the convention.  

Shri. Shinde said, “The Government has eye on offerings made by Hindu-devotees in mutts and temples and their properties. The Governments have taken over many famous temples and are misusing the funds. They also interfere in customs and traditions followed by these temples-mutts. The same Governments, however, do not interfere in management of Christians’ churches and Muslims’ mosques which is a serious matter.”

Mahant Chintamani Parvat Maharaj, the Chairman of ‘Odisha Sadhu-Saints Samaj’ expressed deep anguish over injustice done by the Government to mutts and ashrams in Odisha State. He said, “The Government has taken over many mutts and ashrams at Puri; but it does not take the responsibility of hermits staying there. We are staying in ashram since our childhood and have grown up in ashram. We devoted whole life for propagation of Dharma, expanded and maintained ashram; but the Government says that we should pay for our medical treatment when we fall sick. On one hand, the Government claims right over money of ashram and on the other hand, it does not want to take responsibility of those who have looked after the ashram for so many years.”

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