Pune(Maharashtra): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has submitted a representation to the Resident Deputy District Collector, Municipal Commissioner, Police Commissioner and the Mayor wherein certain demands have been made in connection with the celebration of Ganesha Festival. They are :
- Immersion of Ganesha idols should be done in flowing water as per the science.
- The Police and Administration should not get carried away with the appeal of anti-Hindu Andha–shraddha Nirmulan Samiti (ANS) about the immersion of idols and should not publish any advertisements or notification by the Municipality misguiding people about the immersion and thus create confusion regarding the immersion.
- The Government should remain unbiased and accordingly instruct the concerned.
- This year or even in future, no funds should be provided by the Municipality for the construction of artificial water reservoirs or similar projects.
It has also been mentioned in the representation that the Ganesha Festival will start after two days and confusion is created among people about the immersion i.e. whether to immerse the idols in water or if the idols should be donated; or whether to immerse the idols in flowing water or artificial water tanks. There is also a false propaganda about the immersion of idols causing water pollution. ANS and other similar organizations are misguiding even the Administration and the Government without referring to the studies undertaken by organizations engaged in the conservation of the environment. The real motive of an anti-Hindu organization like ANS, to get people to deviate to the path of atheism, should not be allowed to succeed.
These people are not bothered about pollution throughout the year as they do not take any action in this regard. This, in fact, shows their hatred towards Hindu Dharma. Those who claim that the immersion of idols causes water pollution have never produced any proof in support of their claim. On the contrary, many environmentalists have published their findings that the immersion of idols does not cause water pollution.
The representation was submitted by a delegation of HJS comprising of Mr. Ajay Vaishampayan, a social worker, Mr. Sunil Ghanavat, Mr. Hemant Shinde, Mr. Surendra Mahajan and Mr. Amol Mehta of Dharmashakti Sena.
Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat
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