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History has to be presented as per the facts: Mr. Ramesh Shinde

Ashwin Shuddha Saptami, Kaliyug Varsha 5111

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Lanja (Maharashtra): It is a historical fact that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had slain Afzal Khan which has been accepted by the whole world. But because it hurts the feelings of Muslims, the true history is not being allowed to be presented. History, however, cannot be changed just because it hurts somebody’s feelings; the truth has to be sternly put forth. Also loyalty of those, who feel hurt with the historical facts, needs to be checked. The above views were expressed by Mr. Ramesh Shinde, the spokesperson of HJS for Maharashtra and Gujarat. He was addressing a gathering at Sanskardeep School, in Bhaishete organized for Hindu unity. The gathering also had the auspicious presence of keertankar HBP. Manohar alias Dada Randive of Warakari Sect. About 50 youth attended the gathering.

In his guidance, Mr. Shinde said further, “Research in History is necessary to put forth the truth before people; but nowadays some people have undertaken research to hide the truth found in History. Until recently, the Congress Government had no problem with Dadoji Konddev being the ‘Guru’ of Shivaji Maharaj. Now it is not acceptable to them. In the text books set by NCERT for the Central Government, there is an attempt to exclude the history of Shivaji Maharaj. The same institute has termed Bhagat Singh as a robber. If this is the kind of research being undertaken in their study of history, it will be difficult to find any brave patriotic people in the history of this country.”


Mr. Abhijit Waghdhare, Lanja – I will try to bring Hindus together as advised by Mr. Shinde.

Youth members were impressed with the guidance of Mr. Shinde and requested to start Dharma-satsangs and self-defence training classes.    

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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