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A shameful land of two PMs & 100 nations !

Britain"s Prime Minister Tony Blair called up Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf on Friday and thanked him for the "valuable help" provided in busting the international terror network in England. A statement issued from Islamabad said. "the intelligence cooperation and coordination at the international level, which helped, get to the "bottom" of this case is continuing. These efforts are in keeping with Pakistan"s strong commitment to fight international terrorism".

Earlier, a Pakistani official said that two Britons of Pakistani origin were arrested last week in a combined operation with England and United States governments that helped foil a plot to bomb UK flights to US but declined to disclose their names. ? Two arrests were made last week in a coordinated operation with the British and American intelligence agencies. Both were British nationals of Pakistani descent. One was arrested from Karachi while the other was picked up from Lahore," sources said. The Pakistani official, however, declined to reveal whether the arrested British nationals have been handed over to Britain for interrogation. Apparently a team of British intelligence officials visited Karachi a few days ago to further the investigations. 24 British nationals of Pakistan origin were arrested in three UK cities and seven Pakistanis were arrested in connection with foiled plot.

US warned the Government of India that Al Qaida and some other foreign terrorist may carry out attacks in New Delhi and in Mumbai around Independence Day on 15 August. The US embassy in New Delhi also said that the serial bombing attacks could possibly take place between 11 and 16 August and that the likely targets are major airports, vital government installations and crowded places. This warning was given a day after a major terror plot was foiled in Briton.

What is the attitude of the UPA??U (Utterly!) P (Paralysed!!) A (Atrocious!!!)?Government towards Islamic terrorism? It is an impotent and irresponsible government of eunuchs, by eunuchs, meant exclusively for the constitutional safety and survival of terrorists under an over-arching umbrella of protective pseudo-secularism.

The non-performing UPA Government committed to the only cause of setting aside the permanent National Security of the law abiding citizens of India has declared with great pseudo-secular aplomb that it views the US Al Qaeda alert as "VERY INNOCUOUS". Very appropriate and effective response indeed to the threats of Islamic terrorism!!! Let me compare this viciously anti-national security response with what happened in US, UK and Spain in a similar situation where the citizens are fortunate enough to have honourable and patriotic men at the highest levels of governance unlike the corrupt and spineless vermin in India. Here are the solid and stark facts from the website under the title Mumbai Blasts First Month Anniversary- How did New York, Madrid and London do? This article has been posted by "Offstumped".

Every honourable citizen of India must take a copy of this web article and display it proudly in his home as a matter of sacredly supreme national duty. It is a month since the serial commuter train blasts in Mumbai struck terror in the heart of its residents and took more than 200 lives. On the eve of this first monthly anniversary of this ghastly terrorist strike, it is imperative that Indians at large reflect on how New York,London and Madrid fared in the first 30 days following the serial terrorist strikes on those cities and contrast it with how we are faring on Mumbai.

First New York, 11 Sept to 11 Oct, "Offstumped" relates the events across the first 30 days based on the 9/11 Commission"s findings.
Sept 12 – Hijackers passports found
Sept 14 – 18 Hijackers were named and identified
Sept 19 – US Congress starts debate on Patriot Act to empower government
Sept 20 – Homeland security role created
Sept 24 – bank accounts frozen and financiers identified
Sept 28 – suicide notes of hijackers found
Oct – Evidence of Bin Laden"s connection to 9/11 established
Next Madrid. 11 March to April 2004, "Offstumped" relates across the first 30 days
based on the BBC"s coverage of the Madrid Train bombings.
March 13 – Five men are arrested in connection with a mobile phone found inside a bag of explosives which failed to go off.
March 14 – A video claiming responsibility for the attack purporting to be from al-
Qaeda"s military spokesman in Europe is uncovered.
March 18 – Five men are arrested over the Madrid attacks – four Moroccans and a
March 30 – Spain names an Islamist extremist group, the Moroccan Islamic Combatant
Group, as the main focus of the Madrid investigation
March 31 – Spain issues international arrest warrants for five Moroccans and a Tunisian
April 3 – Four suspects wanted for the Madrid train bomb attacks die during a police
raid on an apartment in Leganes,
April 26 – The interior ministry issues five new arrest warrants – and the pictures of the
suspects wanted in connection with the attacks.
Now let us look at London, from 7 July to 7 August, 2005 based on "Offstumped"s" analysis of Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London 7 July, 2005. July 7 – BOMB BLASTS IN LONDON METRO STATIONS AND 1 BUS
July 12 – Police narrow down suspicion to premises in West Yorkshire linked to 3 of the bombers. Police also identify CCTV images of the 4 bombers
July 14 – Police confirm identity of 2 bombers made public
July 16 – Police confirm identity of the other 2 bombers to public
July 21 – British Cabinet reviews lessons learnt from the investigation of the bombings Now contrast this with 11 July Mumbai to 11 August 2006.
July 11 – Maharashtra CM Vilasrao Deshmukh says spirit of Mumbai will prevail.
July 12 – Maharashtra Deputy CM R.R. Patil says blasts a conspiracy of a foreign terrorist group
July 12 – Mumbai Commissioner AN Roy confirms a large number of arrests during overnight raids, with around 350 interrogations. Maharashtra DGP PS Pasricha says Lashkar-e-Taiba can be involved going by the style of attack
July 13 – India puts off peace talks with Pakistan July 14th – India warns Pakistan on terror
July 15 – Maharashtra BJP Leader Gopinath Munde moves privilege move in State Assembly against DGP and Commissioner shooting their mouths off on who is responsible
July 18 – ATS Chief K. P. Raghuvanshi says the blasts were engineered by elements "beyond borders" and executed with the help of local anti-national elements.
July 19 – R.R. Patil: Maharashtra is not adequately equipped to handle terror strikes of this magnitude.
July 28 – Senior Inspector J K Hargude, laid out his findings. Hargude and his police colleagues have refused to detail the role of the Shaikh brothers and other suspects in the 11 July bombings. But he described their arrest as a major turning point in the case and said that the men were naming more names. The chief of the Mumbai police anti-terrorist squad, K P Raghuvanshi says six of the eight men arrested in the past two weeks had confessed to going to Pakistan for arms and explosives training. Precisely how the eight men are linked to each other, and more important, to the July commuter train blasts that killed more than 180 people, remains unclear. No one has been charged in the attacks.
Aug 1 – India and Pakistan agree to pursue peace talks
Aug 2 – Pakistan refuses to arrest LeT chief
Aug 4 – Alleged LeT Militant arrested in J&K linked to Mumbai

UPA government defines Shameless Inaction even in the face of ghastly Islamic terrorism as "Progressive, Civilised, Secular, Non-communal, Non-Saffronised and a Cosmopolitan part of composite culture". Imperative national need for firm and ruthlessly effective action against all forms of terrorism is dismissed as uncivilized,reactionary, communal, non-secular and saffronised. Even one month after the Mumbai blasts, Dr Manmohan Singh and Shivraj Patil and all concerned are in a state of Sonia-induced super incumbent-sleep.

In the meantime, according to "Offstumped", Manmohan Singh is busy reminding us as to why we don"t need POTA, why we should maintain communal harmony, why Mumbai is resilient. Manmohan Singh also manages to display anger and offence at Jaswant Singh and expel Natwar Singh. Sonia Gandhi meanwhile displays characteristic sphinx like silence only for breaking it to criticize the BJP and demand that Muslim interests not be harmed while dealing with Terrorism. Prakash Karat is busy demanding US Nuke deal be abandoned, Reliance investigated and why Israel should be sanctioned against for attacking Lebanon over Hezbollah.

Let me quote in conclusion the fiery words of Offstumped: "Shame on you Manmohan Singh for not displaying the seriousness expected of a Prime Minister in dealing with Terror while going out of your way to express offence on the Jaswant episode. Shame on you Sonia for perking up your conscience only when it comes to personal issues like the Office of Profit or Rajiv Gandhi and otherwise maintaining a sphinx like silence on terrorism while subverting the fight against terrorism with the Muslim bogey. Shame on you L. K. Advani for spending more time scoring political points in parliament with Natwar rather than take the Government to task. Finally, shame on you Prakash Karat for spending more time castigating Israel than on demanding policies to secure the nation."

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