Ashwin Krushna Chaturdashi/ Ashwin Amawasya, Kaliyug Varsha 5111
Melbourne (Australia): A pastor in the US has revealed that his church is planning to burn Bibles and books by Christian authors on Halloween.
According to Asheville TV station WLOS, pastor Marc Grizzard said that the King James Version of the Bible is the only one his small western North Carolina church follows.
And that other versions, such as the Living Bible, are “satanic” and “perversions” of God’s word.
Grizzard and the 14 members of the Amazing Grace Baptist Church will also burn music and books by Christian authors, such as Mother Teresa, Billy Graham and Rick Warren on Halloween night.
The event also seeks to destroy “Satan’s music” which includes every genre from country, rap and rock to “soft and easy” and “Southern Gospel” and “contemporary Christian”.
New site The Raw Story reports the website for the church, which has since been suspended, says there are “scriptural bases” for the book burning.
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