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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Chalavenhatti (Dist. Belgaum)

Banish people who are calling Savarkar as a traitor : Shri. Manoj Khadye, HJS

Local citizens attending the ‘sabha’
Child-seekers rendering ‘seva’ on ‘Dharma-rath’

Belgaum : Presently, revolutionaries are insulted in this country. We have to unite against such things and take these people to task. Congress has referred to Swatantryaveer Savarkar as a traitor. Permanently banish these people from politics, said Shri. Manoj Khadye while addressing ‘Dharmajagruti Sabha’ organized at Chalavenhatti by local devout Hindus. They were inspired to hold such ‘sabha’ at Chalavenhatti after attending Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Belgaum. Dr. Sou. Shilpa Kothavale of Sanatan Sanstha was also on the dais.

Devout Hindu youth from Chalavenhatti took initiative in organizing the ‘sabha’. They planned and propagated for the ‘sabha’ only for 4 days; but they could collect more than 650 devout Hindus for the ‘sabha’. These devout young men made all the arrangements for ‘sabha’. Sou. Anita Patil welcomed Sanatan’s Dr. Sou. Shilpa Kothavale and Shri. Vinod Patil welcomed Shri. Manoj Khadye. Dr. Sou. Shilpa Kothavale spoke about problems like conversions, cow-slaughter, love jihad etc. and also explained importance of Dharma-shastra. Importance of ‘Bal-sanskar’ classes, Dharmashikshan classes etc. was also explained for creating brotherhood amongst all citizens with the aim of Chalavenhatti becoming an ideal village. Participants were responding encouragingly to appeals made by speakers during their speeches. Everyone providing different things required for the ‘sabha’ was thanked.


1. There was cyclone while preparations were made for the ‘sabha’ which resulted in falling off pillars erected for tying side-screen cloth. Shri. Gajanan Karekar, a seeker of Sanatan Sanstha advised all devout Hindus to sit and pray together. Within 2 minutes, cyclone calmed down and other preparations could be completed. Everyone felt that it was a spiritual experience.

2. About 5-6 kms from the venue, it rained heavily with strong winds but it didn’t rain at the venue of the ‘sabha’.

3. Generator used for the ‘sabha’ stopped working after speeches of the guests. People attending the ‘sabha’ therefore, felt that ‘sabha’ could be held only due to the grace of Shrikrushna.

4. In a review meeting held after the ‘sabha’, there were more than 70 devout Hindus who waited after the ‘sabha’ till late night. Taking inspiration from this ‘sabha’, devout Hindu youth from neighboring village named Hadingur also requested the speakers to hold ‘sabha’ in that village.

5. Shri. Nilesh Patil, a devout Hindu youth from Chalavenhatti managed sound and electricity systems during the ‘sabha’ despite his right hand getting fractured just 2 days earlier.

Special Observations

1. Population of Chalavenhatti is about 2000; still more than 650 devout Hindus attended the ‘sabha’ which confirmed people’s faith in HJS activities.

2. Kum. Nikhila Kalghatgi, Kum. Sanskruti Gawade, Kum. Amol Bilawar, Kum. Gaurav Karekar, Kum. Shivanand Sawant are child –seekers who rendered ‘seva’ at Sanatan’s counter (Dharma-rath) for sale of its products. Many people praised these children for their sincerity in rendering ‘seva’.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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