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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Talai (Dist. Jalgaon)

Every house will send out Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj if Afzals are going to be born in many houses ! – ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav

From left : Kum. Rageshri Deshpande, Pujya (Shri.) Nandkumar Jadhav, Kum. Pratiksha Korgaonkar

Jalgaon : If one doesn’t want to acclaim Bharatmata despite living in India and taking all facilities given in this country, why should such people live in this country ? Anti-national slogans were raised in JNU such as Afzal will be born in every house; then Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj will be sent out from each home to give apt reply to Afzal, stated Sanatan’s ‘Pujya’ Nandkumar Jadhav during Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (sabha) held on 29th March 2016. Kum. Pratiksha Korgaonkar of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Kum. Rageshri Deshpande of its ‘Ranaragini’ Division shared the dais with him.

More than 2500 Hindus attended the ‘sabha’ coming from places like Adgaon, Kasoda, Girad, Anturli, Utaran, Bhatkhand, Javakheda, Nipane etc. which was the 39th ‘sabha’ held in Jalgaon district.

Prior to the ‘sabha’, 17 meetings were held in 11 surrounding villages and about 2200 people were told about the ‘sabha’ and awareness was created specially amongst women about love jihad; therefore, there were 40% women amongst the audience. Review meeting held after ‘sabha’ was attended by more than 70 youth members. Shri. Rajendra Joshi recited ‘Veda-mantras’.

Views expressed by dignitaries

Every mother should feel that she should give birth to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Rani Lakshmibai ! – Kum. Rageshri Deshpande, Ranaragini Division

There are several cases of love jihad in every village. Every mother should feel that she should give birth to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Rani Lakshmibai for bringing about change in this situation. Let us get inspiration from this ‘sabha’ and resolve that not a single girl from our as well as surrounding villages would fall prey to love jihad.

Let us join the mission of protection of nation and Dharma by sacrificing mind, body, money and every thing ! – Kum. Pratiksha Korgaonkar, HJS

It is the need of the hour that for establishment of Hindu Rashtra, everyone forgets own caste-creed, party and sect etc. and come together. Nehru-Gandhi brought this country under the veil of secularism but painted it with only green colour; therefore, attempts are made to defame and destroy Hindus, Hindus’ temples, Dharma and traditions and the only solution on the same is Hindu Rashtra. Let us join this mission by sacrificing body, mind, money and everything we possess !

Local residents responded to the appeal made by Kum. Pratiksha Korgaonkar by making a resolve that henceforth, they would not ask anyone about caste and creed.

‘Hindutvavadis’ extending help in organizing ‘sabha’

Shiv Sena District Vice President Shri. Dnyaneshwar Amle, Sarpanch Sou. Kalpana Patil and her husband Shri. Prakash Patil, Shri. Mayur Vani from Utaran village


1. Dharmashikshan class was started after the ‘sabha’ held at Jalgaon and devout Hindus attending Dharmashikshan class demanded for ‘sabha’ at Talai.

2. Shri. Dnyaneshwar Kankhare, Shri. Mohan Chaudhary, Shri. Manohar Mahajan, Shri. Prakash Patil, Shri. Ravindra Patil, Shri. Prashant Potdar worked hard since ten days prior to the ‘sabha’ and sincerely rendered various types of service. (Congratulations to all active devout Hindus !- Editor, Dainik Sanatan Prabhat)

3. On the day of ‘sabha’, there was some problem in making arrangements for food; therefore, local youth collected food from every house and quickly made arrangements for meals.

4. Devout Hindus came from Gondegaon which is 37 kms from the venue of the ‘sabha’.

5. In review meeting held after the ‘sabha’, there was demand for organizing two such ‘Dharmajagruti sabhas’ and local devout Hindus from Talai spontaneously offered to come forward for making all arrangements.

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