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Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held at Kasal (Dist. Sindhudurga)

Women are respected in Hindu Dharma and I am proud to be a Hindu ! – Sou. Anjali Manerikar, HJS

From left – Shri. Daivesh Redkar, Sou. Anjali Manerikar and Shri. Hemant Manerikar

Kasal : Few women recently tried to forcibly enter temple-pedestal of Shani Shingnapur based on Court’s verdict. The alert local residents and police foiled the attempts of those anti-Hindu Dharma women. We are proud of our Hindu Dharma because women have been always respected in Hindu Dharma. Prohibition on women for entering temple-pedestal is based on Dharma-shastra; but instead of studying the scientific cause, deliberate attempt is being made to create dispute under the guise of women’s emancipation and empowerment. It in fact, exhibits their abhorrence towards Hindu Dharma, stated Sou. Anjali Manerikar from Ranaragini Division of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) while addressing Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha held on 4th April at Kasal (Dist. Sindhudurga).

Shri. Daivesh Redkar of Sanatan Sanstha and Shri. Hemant Manerikar of HJS shared the dais with her. The ‘sabha’ was started with blowing of conch and recitation of ‘Veda-mantras’ by ‘Purohits’. Shri. Hemant Maneirkar spoke on the topic of ‘Need for Hindu Rashtra and efforts required to be made in achieving that goal’ whereas Shri. Daivesh Redkar spoke about terrorism of progressive factions and throttling of ‘Hindutvavadis’.

Felicitation of persons taking part in propagation of ‘sabha’

1. Shri. Ankush Bhiva Parkar, former Sarpanch of Kasal, who took up responsibility of propagation of this ‘sabha’.

2. Shri. Santosh Nirgun and Owaliye, who spontaneously joined the ‘prasar’ of this ‘sabha’.

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